Membership Matters Breakfast with Christy Jones, CAE AAUW Membership Director
Overview How Cool is AAUW? Why do people join? Why do they stay? Share the Cool Factor, They Will Come! Resources
How Cool Is AAUW? Legacy Today Momentum for the Future
Why Do People Join Organizations? What inspires you? When you are considering becoming a member of a community organization, what do you look for? Why did you join AAUW?
Why Do People Join Organizations Common Threads –People join because they are asked! –The organization is providing current and relevant information about something the individual is passionate about. –Members join organizations they believe can solve a problem for them –Social Interaction/Networking
Whose job is Membership?
How to do you get people Involved in recruiting? How do you engage your guests at events?
Why do people stay? How do you engage members in your branch?
Why do people stay? How do your orient your current members? How do your educate your members? How do you involve members?
Share the Cool Factor, They Will Come It’s My Vote, I Will Be Heard Cocktails & Convo’s What does your branch do that others would find an exciting and dynamic experience?
Resources Chapter Leaders Playground Member Center on the AAUW website –Membership Matters, MVP Newsletter –AAUW Membership Online Resources & Tools WebinarAAUW Membership Online Resources & Tools Webinar –Annual Starter Kit
Resources Site Resources – Social Media –Facebook –Twitter –AAUW’s YouTube Channel is:
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