Palomar College ESL Language and Writing Tutoring Services
Our services are available to Palomar students who are learning English as their second language as students from another country.
Our services are available to Palomar students who are learning English as their second language since their parents or guardians speak a language other than English.
Our services are available to Palomar students who were part of an ESL program or took an ESL class in an American high school.
Our services are available to Palomar students who are taking an ESL class at Palomar.
Our services are available to Palomar students who were former ESL students and are now in ENG 10, 50, 100, 202.
Our services are available to Palomar students who are in other mainstream courses but have second- language needs.
What do we offer? Palomar’s ESL tutors offer writing assistance in English, help with reading and terms in other classes, and provide guidance on many grammar and punctuation concerns.
What do we offer? We will not do the work for you, but we will add guidance and support to your ideas, writing style and editing.
What do we offer? Our goal is to empower you, the student, to learn to represent your writing the best way you can through your own ideas and sentences.
Who are we? Palomar’s ESL tutors are a close group of trained and qualified professional tutors who have demonstrated abilities in grammar, writing, and working with second-language students.
Who are we? Most of our tutors are certified by Palomar under the CRLA, which means that we have received proper training to be quality professional tutors.
How do appointments work? Palomar ESL tutors work with students in our ESL Tutoring Center in Room H-222 (Second Floor, Humanities Building). Appointments are 30 minutes long.
How do appointments work? To make an appointment, you can Stop by H-222 in person Call the ESL Tutoring Center at x Stop by H-116 in person Call the ESL office at x. 2272
Can I come in without an appointment? You are free to walk in and see if a tutor is available. However, priority always goes to those with appointments.
Can I come in without an appointment? Therefore, it is best to make an appointment. It guarantees your time slot.
What are the hours of the center? Monday-Thursday 9:00am-7:00pm Friday 9:00am-6:00pm Saturday 10:00am-1:00pm
What are other programs and services offered by ESL Tutoring? Study Hall – a tutor is available in H-118, the ESL Computer Lab, from 10am to noon, every Friday, starting in February. No appointment necessary.
What are other programs and services offered by ESL Tutoring? ELFs – English Learners Friday Workshop Series ng/pdf/ELFWorkshopS16.pdf
How do I get more information? Use this link for the ESL Tutoring page: or, type in “ESL Tutoring” in the search bar on Palomar’s main page.