JOURNAL 46 -Moral and Point of View
1.Who are the secondary characters? 2.Describe them as well as their relationship to your protagonist? 3.How can you make them relatable to children? The Supporting Cast…
1.What moral lessons will your storybook teach? 2.What academic lesson(s) do you plan to teach your readers (days of week, counting, identifying colors, etc.)? Lessons:
1.Which point of view will suit your story best: 1 st or 3 rd person? Why? 2.Who is the narrator? Describe the voice. 3.What tone do you plan to use to tell the story? (a dark, suspenseful tale, or a light-hearted, whimsical, dare we say “funny” story, or possibly like a fairy tale?) TONE & POINT OF VIEW
1.What four stylistic devices will you consistently use to enhance your story and how? (rhyming, alliteration, metaphor/ simile, personification, parallel structure, repetition of phrases/sentences) Creating Magic/Style…