1 AF Complaint & Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Programs
2 Overview Complaint Programs (An Overview) Purpose Policies Responsibilities Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Program Goals Responsibilities Presenting Complaints to Appropriate Officials AF IDEA Program
3 Complaint Programs Purpose: Leadership tools that indicate where command involvement needs to correct systematic, programmatic, or procedural weaknesses. Ensure problems affecting AF mission are fairly and promptly resolvedEnsure problems affecting AF mission are fairly and promptly resolved Measure confidence in AF leadershipMeasure confidence in AF leadership
4 Provide feedback critical to success of each individual. Programs help ensure: Resources used effectively and efficiently to support missionResources used effectively and efficiently to support mission Issues are objectively and fully resolved without fear of reprisalIssues are objectively and fully resolved without fear of reprisal Management reveals and corrects false perceptions about goals, plans, and projects Management reveals and corrects false perceptions about goals, plans, and projects Complaint Programs
5 Policies Formalized in AFI , Inspector General (IG) ComplaintsFormalized in AFI , Inspector General (IG) Complaints IG must respond in 5 daysIG must respond in 5 days Complaint Programs
6 Policies (Cont) Personnel have a duty to reportPersonnel have a duty to report mismanagement, FWA, a violation of an AF directive, an injustice, deficiency, or like conditionmismanagement, FWA, a violation of an AF directive, an injustice, deficiency, or like condition to a superior or commander in their chain of command, to an Inspector General, or within any established grievance channelto a superior or commander in their chain of command, to an Inspector General, or within any established grievance channel Complaint Programs
7 Policies (Cont) Considerations for a complaint:Considerations for a complaint: Did they talk to key players before filing the IG complaint?Did they talk to key players before filing the IG complaint? Misunderstanding of policy or order?Misunderstanding of policy or order? Contact the appropriate agency?Contact the appropriate agency? After 60 days, complaint may be dismissedAfter 60 days, complaint may be dismissed Remedy sought by complainantRemedy sought by complainant Complaint Programs
8 Responsibilities CommandersCommanders Encourage individuals to present complaints to the commander. If not resolved, seek advice from the IG on a subject that is or could become a complaint Encourage individuals to make complaints known Ensure freedom to present an IG complaint and protect from reprisal or retaliation for participating in an inquiry or investigation or making a protected disclosureEnsure freedom to present an IG complaint and protect from reprisal or retaliation for participating in an inquiry or investigation or making a protected disclosure Complaint Programs
9 Complainant Responsibilities May go to the IG but commanders and supervisors are best equipped to resolve complaintsMay go to the IG but commanders and supervisors are best equipped to resolve complaints You are encouraged, but not required, to discuss your problem with your supervisor or commander before going to the IG.You are encouraged, but not required, to discuss your problem with your supervisor or commander before going to the IG. USE THE CHAIN OF COMMAND....IT WORKS!!USE THE CHAIN OF COMMAND....IT WORKS!! Complaint Programs
10 Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Program Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Program Goals Primary focus is preventing loss of resourcesPrimary focus is preventing loss of resources Detection and prosecution serve to deter fraudulent, wasteful, or abusive practices, but the key element is prevention
11 Fraud - intentional deception to deprive AF of its resources Waste - extravagant and needless expenditure of AF funds or property Abuse - intentional, wrongful or improper use of AF resources (rank) Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Program Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Program
12 Responsibilities Success of FWA program lies with each individual- -military and civilianSuccess of FWA program lies with each individual- -military and civilian Anyone aware of FWA or lack of controls permitting waste of resources should report the situation to proper officials. Anyone aware of FWA or lack of controls permitting waste of resources should report the situation to proper officials. The best place to start is your CHAIN OF COMMAND Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Program Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Program
13 Presenting Complaints Present complaints to official responsible for area of complaint Don’t use IG for matters normally appealed through other channels unless there is evidence of mishandling
14 Attempt to resolve complaints at the lowest possible level. Again, the CHAIN OF COMMAND is the best place to begin May present complaints to next higher level IG or inspector if not satisfied with original IG complaint results May submit anonymous complaint if you fear retribution Presenting Complaints
15 APAS: __________________ PAS: ___________________ HQ AFOATS First Sergeant: (334) or DSN Other Channels AFOATS Inspector General Inspector General Fraud Waste and Abuse Hotline: Presenting Complaints
16 AF IDEA Program Any individual, team or group may submit a suggestion Enables improvements and benefits to the government You may be eligible for cash awards See your wing IDEA monitor to submit an IDEA using an AF Form 1000
17 AF IDEA Program Examples
19 Summary Complaint Programs (An Overview) Purpose Policies Responsibilities Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Program Goals Responsibilities Presenting Complaints to Appropriate Officials AF IDEA Program
20 AF Complaint & Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) Programs