FOUR CHAPTERS: Wildlife, Predator Management, Fisheries, and Sensitive Species Bill James Utah Div. of Wildlife Resources
-- wildlife also can cause impacts -- find a balance between the habitat requirements of wildlife and the economic activities of man
The Wildlife Board establishes seasons, limits, and other wildlife regulations (Utah Code )
Species management plans provide guidance and direction for a number of wildlife species in Utah
-- address agricultural impacts caused by big game animals -- compensation for damage done to livestock by bear, mountain lion, wolf, or eagle
New Statewide Elk Management Plan takes a partner-based approach, focuses on local concerns, intended to help solve tough elk / cattle issues
Sport fishing in Utah provides a significant economic benefit: -- total economic output of $327 million/yr. -- 4,000 jobs associated with this expenditure -- tax revenue from this increased output estimated at $35 million/yr. (2011)
We are committed to developing more community fisheries, working in close collaboration with a number of local governments in Utah
Can be controversial; however, it is important under certain circumstances for managing predator and prey populations
Predators are being managed now under predator management plans Updated the approach to predator management, by increasing emphasis protection of mule deer
Working to limit the impact of cougars on deer herds, while maintaining a healthy cougar population Cougar harvest has been liberalized where deer or bighorn sheep survival falls below normal
Black bears and wolves present different management challenges, not causing widespread damage at present
-- Federally listed species are largely removed from our control -- the range of options where that species occurs substantially narrows -- prescriptions outlined in Recovery Plans or Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP’s)
-- evaluate which species are facing trouble -- take logical steps to reverse declines in populations or important habitats --focus effort where it does the most good, to generate our preferred outcomes
Utah’s Wildlife Action Plan for clear strategic guidance for developing partnership actions to manage threats, and keep species from become endangered