Source: IOM 2015, A Framework for Assessing the Effects of a Food System
What does a food system look like? UN SCN Side Event, Rome, 14 October 2015
Indicators that help define food systems Urbanization reflects evolving demographic dynamics such as changes in fertility rates, lifestyles and occupations, and land use patterns. Agricultural productivity reflects technology use, especially mechanization, in agriculture. Food supply diversity derives from relatively fixed natural resource assets, investments in agricultural R&D, and agricultural policies. Soil quality and change in land use are suggestive of the stress placed on the food production system from agriculture Level of food prices and share of the consumer budget spent on food reveal the burden on consumers of meeting their food needs.
Food System OutcomesIndicatorsIndustrialMixedTransitioningEmergingRural Food Diversity and Availability Fresh Food, Kg Retail Sales per Capita (Euromonitor, 2014) % of Protein Supply Derived from Animal Origin (g/capita/day) (FAO, 2011, 3-year average) Food Affordability % Share of Food Budget Spent on Fruits and Vegetables (Euromonitor, 2014) Depth of the Food Deficit (kcal/capita/day) (FAO 2014, 3- year average) Health and Nutrition Status % of Children under 5 who are Overweight (WHO) % of Children under 5 who are Stunted (WHO) % Anemia in WRA (World Bank, 2011) Environmental Sustainability Total Emissions (CO2eq) from Agriculture, Kg per Capita (FAO, 2011 & WB Population data 2011)