Communication Passport Template Produced by the Dorset Speech and Language Therapy Service Updated March 2010 Based on the work by Sally Miler and Stuart Aitken (2003) Personal Communication Passports. Guidelines for Good practice. Edinburgh: CALL Centre. This template can be used as a starting point for making a Communication Passport. Please change the way it looks so that it suits the person, and helps to tell other people about them DRAFT Photo Hi, my name is Please read my book to find out more about me.
If you don’t know me please make time to read my book. If you have any questions please talk to: Name(s) My book should be updated every year by the people who know me well. If you think there’s something missing please ask about getting it added. Date: About my book
1. Things you must know 2. My eye sight and hearing 3. My understanding 4. How I communicate and make choices 5. Signs that I am OK 6. Signs that I am NOT OK 7. Some of the important people in my life 8. Enjoying being with other people 9. I like I don’t like The people who helped to make my book What’s in my book
! Things you must know !
My eye sight Any difficulties or concerns How to support Last check / next check If no concerns, what does the person do that shows you they can see ? My hearing Any difficulties or concerns How to support last check / next check If no concerns, what does the person do that shows you they can hear ? My eye sight and hearing
Person’s level of understanding and how to support their understanding How to get the person’s attention Non-verbal / verbal understanding Level of verbal understanding Amount of information Symbolic understanding When you talk to me it helps if you... When I don’t understand I.. My understanding
Understanding explanations Amount of information Repeating information Checking understanding Useful phrases Understanding time Meaningful time frame - now, this & then that, part day, whole day etc. Use of watch, clock, planner, calendar, diary
Reading and writing Person’s reading and writing skills and how to support Understanding of what’s been read – checking understanding Dealing with post – understanding, working out what to do Money Person’s money skills and how to support Carries own money, hands over money to pay for things, collects change Help to work out how much money to hand over and check change
How I communicate How the person communicates and how to support their communication How the person communicates like / dislike How the person communicates that they are in pain If you don’t know what I am communicating please...
How I make choices How the person makes choices and how to support them to make choices What choices are meaningful and motivating How best to offer choices How many items Tell / show Timeframe Making and sticking to agreements
Signs that I am OK… You can help by... This is a good time to...
Signs that I am NOT OK… You can help by...
Names, relationship and photo Some of the important people in my life…
How the person interacts with other people and how to interact with them Enjoying being with other people I like being with people who...
I like… Photos
I don’t like… ! You have been warned !
Names, relationship and photo These people helped to make my book Thank you for reading my book Thanks to Photosymbols and Widgit Software Ltd for the pictures.