Scisat Test Readiness Review MAESTRO Evaluation and Verification Tests University of Toronto 29 January 2003
Instrument Line Shape Objective: To measure the characteristic instrument line shape for both spectrometers. To do this the field of view must be filled with a known monochromatic source, and/or a source with sharp known emission lines. This test will allow for dispersion relation calculation, as well as characterization of the instrument line shape. This test is divided into three sub-tests, the results of which will be combined to get ILS characterization. Setup: 4.1A Pre-TVAC using backscatter port, with lasers + beam expander 4.1B Pre-TVAC using backscatter port, with Neon lamp + spectralon 4.1C TVAC level using solar port, with HgXe lamp
4.3 Field Of View Tests Objective: The objective of this test is to probe the extent and co- alignment of both spectrometer slits’ fields of view, and to check spectrometer focusing of various areas of the field of view. As the incident collimated beam angle is changed, different areas of the field of the slit are probed. Vertical movement (perpendicular to the long axis of the slit) should result in a small spectral displacement of the observed spectra (corresponding to the height of the slit image on the detector array), and this movement should be the same for all horizontal incident angles. Otherwise, there may be angular positioning problems with the grating and/or detector. Setup: 4.3A Pre-TVAC level with solar port, using alignment jig 4.3B Pre-TVAC level with backscatter port, using green laser 4.3C TVAC level with solar port, using Xe lamp + pinhole field
4.4 Absolute Sensitivity Test Objective: To verify the response of the detectors to a calibrated uniform radiance source. This will allow for the determination of detector gain and linearity as well as the absolute intensity. Setup: 4.4A TVAC Level, Solar port, using QI lamp + attenuator wheel 4.4B Pre-TVAC Level, Backscatter port, using QI lamp + spectralon 4.4C Pre-TVAC level, solar port, using QI lamp + spectralon
4.5 Response to a known absorber Objective: To measure the detector signals obtained by the absorption of radiance from a continuous wavelength source by known gasses. Setup: TVAC Level, Solar Port. The ozone cell should be filled to it’s maximum level by activating the Tesla coil for ½ hour. This should generate approximately 8.04X10 21 molec/cm 2 of ozone. The following pressure settings are to be used for NO 2 : Config. # Gas cylinder to useGas cell pressure (kPa) 11% NO 2, 99% N % NO 2 1
4.6 Noise Levels Objective: To determine the noise level of the detectors under zero light conditions and various temperatures. Setup: System Level 4.8 Polarization Test Objective: To determine the amount of linear polarization introduced by the instrument’s polarizers. Setup: System level, solar port
4.9 Calibration Rod Performance Objective: To verify the proper functioning of the heated calibrating rods on the diffraction gratings in order to verify the reference scan interpolation requirements. Setup: in TVAC, using solar port with green laser 4.10 Internal Diodes Test Objective: To test the functionality of MAESTRO’s internal test diodes by turning them on and off in all possible combinations and observing the response on the detectors. Setup : in TVAC
4.11 Housekeeping tests Objective: To confirm the proper functioning of the instrument by looking at telemetry response to various commands. Setup: inside and outside TVAC