Operations Report Neal J. Couture, CPCM Executive Director Board of Directors Meeting Bethesda, MD November 7, 2009
Action Items from April 2009 BOD Meeting April Publish an article in CM magazine regarding the NCMA Board of Directors election process, the results, and the lessons learned. Assigned to: CoutureStatus: Published October 2009 July Post revised approved FY2010 Budget for all BOD members to review. Assigned to: JonesStatus: Posted 2.Author article for CM magazine on benefits of organizational memberships for industry and government. Assigned to: Wilson and WellsStatus:
Membership Goals GoalStatus Develop and propose to BOD a membership restructure plan. On BOD agenda for discussion 11/09. Survey dropped members monthly, establish metric tracking % drop due to dissatisfaction. Survey began 8/2009. See table. Maintain average 18,500 members per month.Q1: 18,439/mo Recruit 4,400 new members.Q1: 974 (1,100 goal) Expand complimentary subscription program.Added GovPartners. Survey retired and student members to identify special needs. Retired: January 2010 Students: March 2010 Review and assess all group membership agreements. In process. Due December 31, 2009
Dropped Member Survey ReasonPoints/Percentage The cost of membership is prohibitive.30/21.7% My employer does not support my participation in NCMA (financially or professionally). 26/18.8% I do not have time to participate in NCMA.19/17.7% NCMA does not offer programs or benefits that interest me.14/10.1% I have changed professions and no longer require NCMA's services.9/6.5% My local chapter does not offer programs or benefits that interest me.9/6.5% I am dissatisfied with the quality of service NCMA provides.8/5.7% I have retired.3/2.1% I am dissatisfied with the quality of service my chapter provides.1/0.7% I have joined another association that services my needs better.1/0.7% Surveys sent – 1455 (August 2009 – October, 2009) Total responses – 138 (9.48% response rate)
Education Goals GoalStatus Expand e-course portfolio by 15 courses, by incorporating audio-seminar recorded content. 7 seminars available. Webinars on demand. Develop and implement instructor-facilitated, web-based certification preparation courses for each exam. Start 1/2010. Implement “Risk Management” NES.Available 9/2009. Conduct 50 NES seminars.30 commitments. Develop NES for release in September 2010.Contract Types due 3/2010. Conduct CMLDP program.On schedule. Conduct 24 audio-seminars, with 66 sites/ seminar average sites per Conduct 4 CoPs virtual conferences.SB CoP: 12/2009 Revise and publish certification preparation manuals. Author contract awarded for CPCM.
Audio-seminars Re-branding to “Webinars”. On-demand webinars (recorded seminars). Navigant relationship ending – replaced by Federal Publications Seminars. Fewer, larger seminars - average 145 sites vs. 66 budgeted. DateSeminar TitleSites 10/20/09Cost Realism: Key Points for Buyers and Sellers100 09/22/09Managing Subcontracts: Optimizing the U.S. Government’s Supply Chain 89 08/18/09ARRA Contracts, Loans, & Grants Reporting Requirements189 07/21/09Time & Materials (T&M) Contracts & Pricing204
Certification Goals GoalStatus Assess exam performance for each exam through September, and revise as necessary. Q1 applicants: 94 Q1 certificants: 47 Validate exam questions against CMBOK 3.0 and preparatory materials. Dependent upon CMBOK study; target start date is 4/2010. Significant growth over last year 35% increase in applicants 130% increase in certificants
Standards Goals GoalStatus Publish CMBOK 3.0.Task force working group mtg 11-3 & 4. Publish CM2 Competency Models for the CM profession. On hold until CMBOK project complete 5/2010. Publish Organizational Alignment study.2 nd round survey issued Goal 2/09. recently created Director position to address these projects.
Meetings Goals GoalStatus Conduct ADC2009 in Denver in July 2009.Completed. Conduct Academic Conference – virtual – in August 2009.Postponed to 2/2010. Conduct GCMC2009 in Bethesda in November 2009.Completed. Conduct ADC2010 in San Diego in March 2010.Kickoff meeting Implement World Congress 2010 plan, for conduct in July 2010 in Ft. Lauderdale. Site visit Conduct Career Fair at GCMC2009 in November in Bethesda.Completed. Obtain trade association sponsorship for 2011 events.Initial contacts made with NDIA, AIA, PSC. Execute facility contracts for all conferences through June 2012.In source selection process for 2010 and 2011 GCMC. In negotiation for 2012 ADC in Austin. Research and test VTC for conference sessions. Assess results and, if desired, develop plan for VTC adoption in future conferences. GCMC experience.
ADC 2010 – San Diego, CA Theme will focus on “repairing the industry-government relationship”. Conference chair: Patti Olsen, Vice President, Contracts, Pricing, and Estimating, Integrated Defense Systems, the Boeing Company. Speakers identified: –James A. Bell, Corporate President, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President, The Boeing Company (former NCMA member) –Lt. Gen. Tom Sheridan, USAF, Commander, Space and Missiles Systems Center (SMC) –Norm Augustine, Chairman, Review of Human Spaceflight Plans Committee –RADM Michael Bachmann, USN, Commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) –DoD: Patrick Fitzgerald, Director, Defense Contract Audit Agency; Shay Assad, Director of the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy; Charlie Williams, Director, Defense Contract Management Agency
Publications Goals GoalStatus Publish Contract Management magazine monthly, and conduct a readership survey. Survey 2/2009. Publish Journal of Contract Management in e- book form, with 500 paperback copies. Published 9/2009. Publish the Resource Guide, with expanded expert directory. Published 10/2009. Publish Risk Management book.Published 9/2009. Publish standards in appropriate media.Dependent upon standards research. Publish CM News e-newsletter twice monthly.As planned. Maintain NCMA’s websites, publish news updates daily, implement members-only content service, and implement business intelligence. Members only content 9/2009. Business intelligence 12/09. `
Component Relations Goals GoalStatus Implement “Virtual Chapter” and “Chapter Lite” plans.CDC in progress. Redesign Communities of Practice (CoPs) program.Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Implement online directories for EAC, Fellows, Speakers, Experts, and Mentors. In process. Target 12/2009. Publish monthly e-newsletters for Fellows, Students, Chapters and EAC. Missed 1 EAC edition. Conduct Leadership Summit in Denver in July.Completed. Conduct Mid-Year Leadership Conference in January in Las Vegas. Agenda provided. Conduct EAC meetings, with teleconferencing, at ADC2009, GCMC2009 and ADC2010 conferences. As planned. Conduct Fellows meeting at World Congress Conduct General Membership Meeting at ADC2009.Completed. Conduct awards and honors program.As planned. Obtain sponsors for Macfarlan awards.No progress.
Small Business Contracting: a Virtual Conference December 9, 12:00pm – 4:00pm Via Webex $225/site 12:00pm - 12:10pmOpening RemarksNeal Couture, Executive Director, NCMA 12:10pm -12:30pmSmall Business Initiatives for FY 2010Karen Mills, Administrator, SBA 12:30pm - 12:50pmImpact of the Recovery Act: Small BusinessesBrandon Neal, Director OSDBU, Department of Transportation (DOT) 12:50pm - 1:10pmSuccess Story"Ashley Chen, President & CEO, Actionet - SBA Certified 8(a) Firm" 1:10pm - 1:30pmJoint Ventures: Partnering for Successful Relationships Gloria Pualani, Corporate Director Socio-Economic Business Programs/ Government Relation Northrop Grumman 1:30pm - 1:50pmLegislation Affecting Small BusinessesShawne McGibbon, Acting Chief Counsel for Advocacy, SBA and LeAnn Delaney, Staffer House of Small Business Committee 1:50pm - 2:10pmIntermission 2:10pm - 2:30pmBusiness Planning for SuccessCharlotte Ducksworth, Director, Small Business Initiatives, Prince George County and Lynda Anderson, Agency Director, Virginia Department of Business Assistance 2:30pm - 2:50pmMarketing to the Federal Government: Streamlining the Process Kevin Boshears, Director, OSDBU, Homeland Security (DHS) 2:50pm - 3:10pmNavigating the GSA ScheduleShaunta P Johnson, Director, Small Business Utilization Center, General Service Administration (GSA) 3:10pm - 3:30pmPreparing the Winning ProposalBarbara Kinosky, President, Centre Consulting 3:30pm - 3:50pmSub-contractingAnnabelle Boyd, President, Boyd, Caton & Grant and Ronald Schneider, Executive VP of Business Development, CACI 3:50pm - 4:00pmClosing RemarksNeal Couture, Executive Director, NCMA
Advertising Goals GoalStatus Obtain sponsorship for Journal in conjunction with sponsorship for the Macfarlan awards program. Working for 2010 edition. Sell job ads on CMjobs.com website.On budget. Sell print ads in Resource Guide and CM magazine. On budget. Sell web ads on NCMA’s website.On budget. Sell ads in NCMA’s e-newsletters.Being done. Sell corporate memberships and educational partnerships. On budget. Sell exhibits and sponsorships for ADC2009 in Denver, GCMC2009 in Bethesda, ADC2010 in San Diego, and WC2010 in Ft. Lauderdale. On budget. `
Governance Goals GoalStatus Conduct Board of Directors Meetings and Committee Meetings at ADC2009 in July in Denver, at GCMC 2009 in November in Bethesda, at Mid-Year Leadership Summit in January in Las Vegas, and at ADC2010 in March in San Diego. As planned. Conduct National Elections in February 2010.Plan in progress. Conduct Board Orientation webinar in June Support committee activities. `
Financial Report Update Through October 31, 2009 YTD ACTUAL YTD HISTORY YTD BUDGET Revenue Membership Education Advertising Certification Meetings Total Revenue xx% increase over last year
Financial Report Update Through October 31, 2009 YTD ACTUAL YTD HISTORY YTD BUDGET Summary Revenues Expenses Net from Operations Variance from budget xx variance in revenue xx variance in expenses