‘Delivering the new Sustainable Community Strategy for Gloucester’ Gloucester Partnership Conference 31 st January 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

‘Delivering the new Sustainable Community Strategy for Gloucester’ Gloucester Partnership Conference 31 st January 2008

Successes of the Gloucester Partnership Val O'Connor Vice Chair of the Gloucester Partnership

What are Local Strategic Partnerships? Brings together public, private, business, community and voluntary sector Services and initiatives support each other and work together Through the Sustainable Community Strategy

History of the Gloucester Partnership Launched in 2001 Set up first action groups in 2002 First Community Strategy published in 2003 Membership of over 200 organisations from different sectors

Partnership Achievements Partnership structure and ways of working in place Core funding in place from partners to support the Partnership Voluntary and community sector resourced to contribute to the Partnership 15 out of 27 Community Strategy targets achieved by July 2007

Westgate Priority Action Group Needs assessments leading to Westgate Renewal Plan Developer appointed for Four Gates Neighbourhood Centre Regeneration protocol between LSP, City Council and GHURC

Children and Young People Action Group Stimulated investment in youth facilities Ensured voices of children and young people are heard in city and county strategies Developed a play strategy for Gloucester Set up and mainstreamed Summer Programmes

Gloucester Pride PAG Improvements to Gloucester Park and 36 neighbourhood green spaces 15 Neighbourhood Road Shows Production of several Walking Guides Campaign to promote pride in the city

Community Cohesion Action Group Developed Community Cohesion Proofing Tool for partners Adopted by Gloucester Partnership 2005 Time-limited group

Neighbourhood Working Group Developed the Neighbourhood Working Strategy for Gloucester Supported development of five Neighbourhood Partnerships Sharing best practice Currently reviewing role

Neighbourhood Partnerships

Community Counts Neighbourhood Management Piloting ways of neighbourhood working in Barton, Tredworth and White City Working with Safer Communities Police team and Streetcare Spreading good practice across all partners

Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Multi-agency partnership reducing crime and the fear of crime Five action groups Gloucester as Respect Action Area Reduction of major crimes in Gloucester by 22.7%, by March 2007

Learning, Skills and Employment Initiative Partnership group identified gaps in provision Action research project carried out JobLink pilot in Barton, Tredworth and Westgate Ensured need for local jobs for local people features in City Employment Plan

Other Groups and Work Healthy City Partnership Ensured Gloucester’s needs are fed into county level strategies and agreements Reviewing and learning from experience Adapting to change – new Strategy and new structure

Summary Achieved real outcomes Over 200 organisations working together Maintain momentum Keep on working together and improving life for the people of Gloucester

Successes of the Gloucester Partnership Val O'Connor Vice Chair of the Gloucester Partnership