American Nuclear Society Accelerator Applications Division Presented to the ANS Board of Directors Washington DC November 16, 2005 Denis Beller
AAD Mission The division was organized to promote the advancement of knowledge of the use of particle accelerator technologies for nuclear and other applications. It focuses on production of neutrons and other particles, utilization of these particles for scientific or industrial purposes, such as the production or destruction of radionuclides significant to energy, medicine, defense or other endeavors, as well as imaging and diagnostics.
AAD Governance Executive Committee ChairLaurie WatersLANL Vice ChairAnthony HechanovaUNLV SecretaryEric PitcherLANL TreasurerThomas E. WardDOE Board (2006)Denis Beller, Michael Cappiello, Bradley Micklich Philip D. Ferguson, Nikolai Mokhov (2007) Karen Corzine Kelly, Daniel Rusthoi, Gary Was Student memberKristen Smith (ISU) Ex OfficioMario D. Carelli, Donald R. Hoffman Board LiasonAlbert L. Wiley Staff LiasonSharon S. Kerrick
317 AAD members comprise 3% of ANS membership of 10,777 (Dec. 2004)
AAD Membership Composition
AAD Budget Information 9/30/04 9/30/05 Carry forward$26,249$25,502 Membership Allocations Awards, Plaques10047 National Meeting costs Student support (budgeted)500 Scholarship/need funding (budgeted)0 Excess$25,519$24,238
AAD Communications Newsletters: –Spring 1997, Fall 1997, Summer 1998, Winter 1998, November 2000, October 2001 Web site: – –Need updates since most recent topical
AAD Strategic Plan, Succession Planning Tactical Plan prepared for
AAD Contributions to ANS ANS Position Statements –NARM statement in progress Participation with Other Professional Societies –Physics community –European accelerator topical, e.g. Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technologies & Applications
AAD Services to Membership Professional Development –Courses with stand-alone topicals Scholarships –in progress Peer Recognition/Awards –Best paper at topicals Student Support –Standard support of $500-$1000/year –Student member on the board
AAD Topical Meeting (history) AccApp’97 Albuquerque, NM, Nov. AccApp’98 Gatlinburg, Tenn., Sept. AccApp’99 Long Beach, Cal., Nov. AccApp’00 Washington D.C., Nov. AccApp’01 Reno, Nev., Nov. –w/International ADTTA AccApp’03 San Diego, Cal., June –More than 200 attendance –1000-page ANS Proceedings
AAD Topical Meetings (con’d) AccApp’05 (Class IV topical, Aug. 29- Sep. 01) –Venice, Italy (San Servolo Campus) – –170+ participants, 165 papers –Proceedings in special issue of NIM-A –International – FZJ, CERN, ENEA, NEA, RAL, PSI, KEK, Tohoko Univ., JAERI, IAEA, ITN, KTH, Hokkaido Univ., University Ca' Foscari, & U.S. AccApp’07 in planning—AAD & Idaho ANS –Calendar placement approved –ADSS workshop & IAEA symposium AccApp’09 will be imbedded
AAD Support for National Meetings Washington DC, November 2005 –Experiments in Support of Accelerator Applications (Track 8), 5 papers Washington DC, November 2004 –Radiochemical & Nuclear Analytical Methods & Applications (co-sponsored) –Accelerator-based experiments for Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative Research (Track 7), 6 papers
Summary Status of Division/TG Metrics and Measures Successes –Creation & growth of young division –Sustained membership –Support for ANS meetings Focus for Future Action –Scholarship & awards –Website & newsletter –Membership & bylaws review
Professional Division Metrics AAD Vitality Measures – CY 2004 Division Meetings Division Governance Division Contributions to Society Division Services to Membership National Meeting Participation 2002: 2 session 0panel/4session 0panel Succession Planning None submitted ANS Position Statements Preservation of Nuc. Data Research (in draft) Professional Development AAD does not support professional development activities Class I Class II Topicals 25% increase in base calendar mtg Membership Trends 305 members +.6% change 2002 Participation with Outside Professional Societies Liason with Denton Accelerator Conference Scholarships AAD Does Not Support a Scholarship AAD has plans for a scholarship in 2003 Class III Topicals June 2003 Topical – AccApp 03 Communications 0 newsletter in 2002 no website Society Leadership Both Mtgs: PDC & NPC 50-75% at June mtg, 75% at Nov mtg Peer Recognition/ Awards AAD best paper awards at 2001 topical Division Planning No Strategic Plan submitted to PDC Chair Non-Meeting Publications AAD does not support non-meeting pubs Student Support AAD provided no Student support in 2002