Making the CDDA data model INSPIRE compliant Project information and status 2015 Eionet Biodiversity Ecosystems, Indicators and Assessments NRC Workshop 19 – 20 November 2015 Darja Lihteneger Project manager - Data centres and INSPIRE implementation IDM - IDM4: Data management
Outlines Project information Work on CDDA and INSPIRE data model Next steps in the project Proposed project follow-up steps
INSPIRE Implementation Roadmap Spatial data sets: Annex I: Protected sites NOV 2017 Annex III: Habitat and biotopes, Species distribution, Bio-geographical regions OCT 2020 Metadata: Should already be available INSPIRE services: Discovery, view, download, transformation services should be available (data not yet conformant to IR-ISDSS)
Thematic relationship: – National designated areas are provided in the CDDA priority data flow and are related to the INSPIRE theme Protected sites To continue using harmonised data: – Guided process to keep harmonised data model in CDDA reporting – Fulfilling INSPIRE Directive and CDDA reporting – Benefits from INSPIRE spatial data infrastructure and interoperability in the reporting process and for other assessments Respecting time line (deadlines): – INSPIRE PS: ( code lists) – CDDA reporting obligation in 2018 Why CDDA priority data flow and INSPIRE
CDDA data flow view 2015 – 2018: – CDDA reporting with INSPIRE implementation in 2018 – Continue support to countries not implementing INSPIRE Project scope Starting with the project: – Conceptual data model design based on the INSPIRE specifications for the reporting of the Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) – Keep CDDA consistent with WDPA – Compatibility: mapping from old CDDA data model to new CDDA-INSPIRE data model
Project information Roadmap I. Developing of new CDDA data model as extension of the INSPIRE Protected sites data model II. Developing of the GML/XML schemas and validation with the INSPIRE GML/XML schemas III. Test: providing data according to the new GML/XML schemas (+ final I and II phase) IV. Report Partners: – EEA (IDM, NSS) – Eionet ETC/BD – External EEA consultancy service: Tracasa Other stakeholders: – Eionet, UNEP-WCMC, etc.
Data modelling approach Design approach to combine thematic and INSPIRE requirements ………… Thematic requirements INSPIRE DS 1 INSPIRE DS 2 etc. One schema containing … INSPIRE DS 1 (via INSPIRE service) INSPIRE DS 2 (via INSPIRE service) Thematic requirements Links on object and dataset level Reported data (file or service) INSPIRE infrastructure A. Integrated approach B. Linked approach Used for CDDA & INSPIRE alignment – making one INSPIRE based data model
CDDA – INSPIRE conceptual data model INSPIRE Protected Sites Simple application schema DESIGNATIONS: A new register of national and international designation types CDDA: SITES SITES BOUNDARIES DESIGNATION BOUNDARIES Designation types National sites and boundaries Other INSPIRE concepts CDDA 2 NEW data models INSPIRE data specifications
Extending INSPIRE PS for the CDDA purpose INSPIRE PS data model Current CDDA data model Some properties are the same as in INSPIRE PS Some question for Eionet on usefulness and future needs, making reporting more effective and targeted, …? Designations \ Extension to the INSPIRE Protected sites – CDDA Sites, boundaries
Next steps in the project Discussion with Eionet on open questions found in the project Completing the data models (CDDA-INSPIRE, Designations) Developing GML schema according to the new data model (CDDA-INSPIRE PS) Providing test data in GML encoding (based on already provided deliveries and European CDDA data set) Presentation of outcomes to Eionet Setting further cooperation with Eionet on CDDA reporting (testing: data, service, tools, …)
CDDA data flow view 2015 – 2018: – CDDA reporting with INSPIRE implementation in 2018 – Continue support to countries not implementing INSPIRE Proposed project follow-up steps Further activities: – Concept and design of the reporting workflow based on INSPIRE infrastructure (metadata, data, services) – Cooperation with Eionet on data testing: providing national data according to new data model – Reporting workflow and INSPIRE network services – Tools and operational testing for CDDA data flow – Evaluating reporting system, supporting transitional period for reporting & support to countries not implementing INSPIRE
Thank you