What happens next? After Pharaoh's son has died, he agrees to let the Jewish people go. Moses leads his people out of Egypt... Moses and the Jewish people arrive at the Red Sea but Pharaoh has changed his mind!!! What happens next???????
The Israelites are free!!! Moses puts down his staff and the Red Sea opens up, allowing the Jews to walk through to freedom. The sea closes on the chasing Egyptians, drowning them.
The Seder Meal Learning Objective: To discover the symbolism behind the Seder meal.
Your special meal When have you had an important and special meal? What was being celebrated or remembered?
Describe and Draw You will be working in pairs and you will be working back to back. One person will need to have their back facing the board and the other will be facing the board. The person looking at the board will need to describe to their pair what they can see. The person looking away from the board will need to draw what their pair describes. You will need to label your drawing. Try to be as accurate as you can.
Question Tennis What are they doing? What do you notice? What are they celebrating?
The Seder Meal During the Seder meal, symbolic foods are eaten that represent certain themes and events within the story of Moses. Watch these clips and see how many symbolic foods you can remember!
Draw and label the Seder Plate This is a symbol of hope, new life and spring time. Symbolic of the bitter treatment of the Israelites during slavery. Symbolic of Eygptian buildings because it is gritty. It is also sweet to symbolise God’s sweet kindness which made slavery bearable. Symbolic of the tears shed during slavery. Reminder of the four promises. Lamb which was killed. Dipped in salt water to symbolise new hope. Reminder to the flat baked dough the Israelites ate as they fled from Egypt.
Flyswatter The Egg Bitter Herbs Haroset Salt Water Four Cups of Wine Lamb Parsley/Green Vegetable Matzvot
If time Rugrats