CLASSROOM DESIGN: Steel’s Six Functions By: Virginia Taylor
Security and Shelter This classroom is safe. The whole building is brand new and was built to be an elementary school. This allows the building to be less of threat for weather or an intruder. The teacher has set up the classroom in safe way where the students will not get hurt. She stores her materials in an organized manner on the exterior walls and there is room for walking throughout the classroom.
Social Contact The teacher has set up the desk in the classroom into three groups. Within the day, the students have designated time where they work together on their assignment. The teacher sets up stations on each table, the carpet and on the computer where students work on different skills associated with a specific subject. One of the stations is working in a small group with her. When she hits the bell twice it is then time to rotate.
Symbolic Identification In the classroom there is few examples of symbolic identification. In the front of the classroom she has a board where she writes down the schedule for the day. On the wall near the door she has a behavior chart where students have color cards to represent their behavior. In the front of the classroom she has a chart with her students name with stars next to their name symbolizing their good behavior.
Task Instrumentality The classroom is set up where students have the ability to complete their task with out the classroom getting in the way. The back corner is set up for alone time with the teacher. The side wall is the class library and the front left corner is the teachers desk. Next to the teacher’s desk and away from the board is where the computers are set up. All the materials for the classroom are on the right wall.
Attractiveness The classroom is not very attractive. She has posters along the wall but they lack colors and pictures. Her posters are only white and consist of words. The teacher also lacks in displaying her student’s art work in the classroom. Although the classroom is neat, it seems neutral and basic.
Pleasure Similar to attractiveness the room lacks a sense of pleasure. I expected the class library to seem comfortable and have a warm feeling sensation but it only felt cold and boring. The carpet, in the front of the room, wasn’t even festive. There is not a class pet as well.
Growth In the classroom there are posters that represent the materials that they have learned or are currently learning. She also has set a board where students can earn a star for when they behave. There isn’t anything else in the classroom that symbolizes growth.