MonTuesWedThurFri KNOWSYS #24- Practice. OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: TKAM: Review Study Guide for Novel Test- KNOWSYS #24- Practice- E School Clickers. OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: TKAM: Novel Test- KNOWSYS #24- Practice- E School Clickers. OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: TKAM: Novel Test- KNOWSYS #24- Practice- E School Clickers. OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: TKAM: Novel Test- KNOWSYS #24- Quiz OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: Poetry Study- Edgar Allan Poe Scavenger Hunt using iPads. RELA Agenda for 4/28-5/2
April 28, 2013 (Mon) I can… make complex inferences about literary text. KNOWSYS #24- Practice. OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: TKAM: Review Study Guide for Novel Test
April 29, 2013 (Tues) I can… make complex inferences about literary text. KNOWSYS #24- Practice. OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: TKAM: Novel Test
April 30, 2013 (Wed) I can… make complex inferences about literary text. KNOWSYS #24- Practice. OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: TKAM: Novel Test
May 1, 2013 (Thur) I can… make complex inferences about literary text. KNOWSYS #24- Practice. OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: TKAM: Novel Test
May 2, 2013 (Fri) I can… make complex inferences about literary text. KNOWSYS #24- Practice. OL: Novel Study: Pictures of Hollis Woods Dialectical Journal Level Questions. Pre-AP: Poetry Study Scavenger Hunt with iPads