October I can use a dash correctly. I can score 80% or higher on my WFA (making inferences). I can make inferences. I can create a draft of an informational writing.
Grammar Dash review Use a dash before and after a long interrupter. Remember interrupters may come and the beginning, middle, or end. The dash may be used to signal a substitution for parentheses or as a substitute for the phrases like “it is” or “they are.” When used as a substitute, the words after the dash become more important. * Dashes are often used in pairs. EX: All the cafeteria’s vegetables –broccoli, green beans, peas, and carrots-were cooked to a gray mush.
Grammar 1.The date I’m sorry I forgot to tell you has been changed to next week. 2.Do you ever wonder I often do why winter seems to last so long? 3.To assemble this machine the instructions are included takes only an hour.
WFA Read the passage Powder in the textbook on page 156 and answer the questions on your own paper. Be sure to turn in your answers to the tray! This counts as your WFA for this week! Do your best.
Bell Ringer Answer the following questions on your own sheet of paper and keep in your notebook under bell ringers: 1.I used to think …about civil rights movement, but now I think… 2.What vehicle (car, train, boat, or plane) is most like the civil rights movement and why do you think so?
Blowin’ in the wind Listen to the song and interpret the lines. What do the lyrics say about the civil rights movement? How might Bob Dylan’s experiences shape his identity or prepare him to write this song? Pair Share Share whole group
Gallery Walk Pass the pictures around and make notes about the photos you see. Analyze the photos-remember the 4 questions we used to analyze the photos from last class period. You will use your photo analysis to write an informational piece.
Four Square Writing Graphic Organizer
Four Square A way to simply ORGANIZE ideas Adapted for the 3 major writing modes: informative, argumentative, and narrative writing When used school wide, it offers students a consistent, familiar approach to writing
Supporting Detail 1 FEED facts, examples, evidence, details Supporting Detail 2 FEED facts, examples, evidence, details Supporting Detail 3 FEED facts, examples, evidence, details Conclusion Claim/Thesis
Analysis Choose 1 photo explain how the situation and time period in which it is set effects the subjects identity.