Tip Beware lest any man spoil you Watch---look out---pay attention Acts 17:11 I John 4:1 Make booty of you---take captive, lead you astray (ultimately this is the work of false teachers) There are religious people (leaders) who only want you to follow them Acts 20:29-30 Some people will compromise the truth for popularity and numbers Pro 30:5-6 I Pet 4:11 Must pay attention to EVERY word that is being preached Many times false teachers will teach false doctrine sandwiched in truth! Gal 3:1, 1:8
Theory Through philosophy The search of wisdom This wisdom is not Godly wisdom but worldly wisdom The Gnostics place major emphasis on their philosophies True wisdom cannot be found in worldly philosophy Job 28:12-28 Paul encounter men such as these on Mars Hill Acts 17:18 Paul does not condemn knowledge and understanding Col 2:2 Paul condemns vain knowledge I Tim 6:20
Trickery Vain deceit This is descriptive of the Gnostic philosophy Any worldly philosophy used as the basis of spirituality is ultimately worthless The word of God is true wisdom Pro 3:5 Man does not think the way God does Some Gnostics believed that self-denial was the way to a greater spirituality I Tim 4:1-5 Do not be tricked! Worldly wisdom and philosophies only lead men down a path of destruction without the word of God John 6:63
Tradition The tradition of men Refers to something that has been passed on Tradition is not bad in itself There are good traditions II Thess 2:15, 3:6 There are bad traditions Mar 7:7-9 The Gnostic traditions were worthless in comparison to the commandments of God It does not matter who has been doing it, and it does not matter how long they have been doing it If it is a tradition of man it does not override the word of God “Ye have hear that it hath been said, but I say unto to you”
Teaching The rudiments of the world Paul is referring to the basics of the Jewish religion The ABC’s Washings, Circumcision, celebrating holy days and feast days Col 2:16-17 The Gnostics were leading people astray by teaching the Jews and Gentiles that they had to follow the O.T. rituals to be saved Acts 15:10; Gal 4:9 Some people today are still being lead astray by false teachers teaching things that are elementary in doctrine Heb 5:12 Ex: Tithes I Cor 16:1-2
Truth And not after Christ The truth is that if any man teaches anything but CHRIST he is exposed as a false teacher No politics, no philosophies, no traditions only Christ! Gal 1:8 There is only one thing that can save and that is the gospel Rom 1:8 The gospel is man’s life jacket No man can be saved without it and all men are doomed to sink and drown in this world of sin with out it Satan is too strong Listen to the truth obey the truth and you will be saved in the end Rev 22:14