President Andrew Jackson How did he change the presidency and help cause the Civil War?
Election of 1824 What happened in the election of 1824? Era of Good Feelings = 1 party – four candidates for president (no convention like today). Clay, Adams, Jackson, and William Crawford ran against each other. Jackson had the most votes but nobody had a majority of the electoral college votes. Election went to the House to be decided. Clay (finished fourth) was Speaker of the House and supported Adams. After Adams won the election, Clay was appointed Secretary of State.
Results of the Election What was the result of the election? Clay and Adams accused of making a “corrupt bargain,” in other words of cheating. Adams was very unpopular with the people and achieved very little Split in the party: Jackson’s followers (conservatives) = Democrats Followers of Adams and Clay (liberals) = Whigs Jackson defeated Adams in the election of 1828 easily starting Jacksonian Dem. Election about popularity and personality.
JQA as President What was Adams’ presidency like and why? Struggled because of “corrupt bargain.” A lot of critics and little help Wanted a program of economic growth (similar to Hamilton and Clay’s). Roads and canals Arts and sciences Most programs were rejected because of his unpopularity.
Change 1: The Spoils System What was the Spoils System How did that change the presidency? Rewarding supporters with government jobs) Jackson hired supporters and fired more than two hundred previous presidential appointees. Goal was to avoid the rich and wealthy people from controlling government. Forced Jackson to go outside his cabinet for advice! In the long run = Led to corruption and controversy
Kitchen Cabinet What was the kitchen cabinet? Tight circle of supporters known as his “kitchen cabinet.” Only Van Buren was qualified for his job in the cabinet. Others had jobs because of the spoils system. Kitchen Cabinet: Democratic leaders Newspaper editors Nicknamed the kitchen cabinet because they met in the White House kitchen.
Importance Why was it important? Over the years presidents have relied more and more on people outside of the cabinet for advice following Jackson’s example. Led to the creation of the White House Office and the Executive Office of the President.
POWER!!!!! How did Jackson change presidential power? Used the power of the veto more than any previous president. Knew that Congress needed his signature (2/3’s of both houses too hard to get). He vetoed all legislation that he disagreed with Forced his views on the country. Claimed it was people’s will The best example = the National Bank War.
POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did Jackson increase power? Refused to back down in confrontations. Chose when he wanted to be liberal/conservative Won the 1832 election and then withdrew all deposits from the National Bank. Supported the national government’s power and threatened to use the army to force South Carolina to pay the tariff (Force Act). Supported states’ rights: refused to enforce the Supreme Court’s decision and removed thousands of Cherokee natives from Georgia.
Most Important Thing! What is the most important thing about Andrew Jackson as President? Democratized the presidency – made it much more about the people and popularity! Made the office of the President much more powerful (by setting so many precedents) People began to view the president as much more powerful and important than they did before! Scared Southern Conservatives! Will be very important when Lincoln is elected!