Minutes of Travel/ Tourism Domain Meeting of 24 th UNCEFACT New Delhi Forum 31 Oct (Updated on 25 Nov. 2014) Domain Coordinator Akio Suzuki
1. T/T Domain Meeting 1. Dates and Venue 27(Mon.) to 31(Fri.) Oct at FICCI (Federation House) 2. Participants Those who participated in the meeting are listed in the list attached. 3. Agenda of the meeting Meeting proceeded based on the agenda. The items listed below were discussed in the meeting. (1)SLH International Pilot Project (2)DTI and its BRS (3)India Reports (4)Programme of Work of T/T Domain (5)Others
2. SLH related matters SLH (Small scaled Lodging House) related standards and software developed a. Chair explained some of SLH Project and its International Pilot Project The issues met during the initial stage of the International Pilot Project were shown and discussed. b. It is pointed out to verify the standards after their timely and quick development by implementing a pilot project is an optimal way of standard development. c. It was shown that India has a large opportunity to use the SLH standards in their business environment by providing such SLH properties as Indian Home Stays (Mrs. Manju Mahajan mentioned that her house could be the one for the use). d. Indian members agreed to be a member country of the pilot project to find the availability of the SLH related standards for their real implementation. e. The 2 nd stage of the International Pilot Project with open source software under the cloud and mobile technology could be scheduled with the cooperation of international experts. By taking the experience gained in the initial stage, this matter will further be talked in the coming AFACT Bangkok meeting scheduled in the last week of November. f. SLH related UNCEFACT Standards could be applicable for the future and should be checked in the pilot project more actively. g. Mr. Vipeng Mahajan and Mrs. Manju Mahajan will behave as a focal point of India in this regard.
2-2. Issues on Programs (1) SLH Facility Information and SLH Product Information Entry Programs a. They are using Adobe AIR, which is rather old and difficult to apply open source software, for example, language translator. b. They should better be created by some appropriate open source software. c. They are not fully protected by security system, but partly by IDs or passwords, which makes the operation rather troublesome for users to test. d. Pictures are embedded, which make data volume too large. This should be changed to link to outside picture source. e. No Database system is used, which tends to make data maintenance difficult. f. Programs should better be created based exactly on Class diagrams. Data entry could be much easier. g. In general, it seems to be not easy to enter data by using the programs. They should be provided with more easy-to-use English operation guides. h. No payment settlement feature is applied. (2) Travel Product Reservation and its Notification to related Property Programs a. They are created by open source software. They can coordinate with the present data entry programs, but can not fully accommodate data entered because of the above mentioned problems. b. They are functional for test, but their screens are not easy to view because there is no consideration of user friendly interface.
2-3. Other Issues (3) Data Codes a. Data code list is created based on the needs of Japanese SLH travel related information and products. b. Code list update by participating countries is highly requested. (4) Management of Software a. No use of Exchanged_ Document Class developed by UNCEFACT makes management of software difficult, which should include versioning of programs, created date time, language used, etc. b. It would be far better to share software creation, especially by the use of open source software, among the pilot project member countries. (5) UNCEFACT Standards a. So far newly developed UNCEFACT standards are working. There comes no maintenance request on UNCEFACT Standards from any member country. b. Standards should be updated according to the needs of participating countries. c. There would arise a lot of amendments once participating countries create and use software. We will submit data maintenance requests to UNCEFACT in the future.
2-4. SLH 2 nd International Pilot Project 2 nd stage: Will be planned Japan Korea Taiwan Thailand Korean Market (Korean) Thai Market (Thai) Taiwanese Market (Taiwanese) Based on UN/CEFACT Specifications ( Japanese and English Translation ) ( English/Korean Translation) ( English/Taiwanes e Translation) ( English/Thai Translation) ベトナム Iran & Kish ( English/Persian Translation) Iranian Market (Persian) Japanese DB Note: :Newly Participating Country Japanese Market (Japanese) India (English/Hindi Translation) Indian Market (Eng./Hindi) :Participating Country
3. DTI Development DTI (Destination Travel Information Process) Project lead by Mr. G. Ko, Project Chair a. DTI project and its present status were shown. b. The comments on its BRS (Business Requirements Specification) so far received in the public review were also shown. c. DTI data is hierarchically categorized into 3 levels, and there is no explanation on this in the document. To make this understood well among the members, this should better be explained in the coming AFACT Bangkok meeting. d. Any further comments are welcome to be received by the end of the 3 month period, 16 November e. Drafted RSM and their schema were shown and talked for the future. f. We need further effort to complete.
4. India Tourism and the Others 1. Airports Authority of India a. Mr. B. V. Sreekumar showed the activities of Airports Authority of India. This will further be talked as an area in the T/T Domain for the future. b. The airports might have a good chance to utilize SLH and DTI related information for passengers. c. In India there is an integrated reservation system for Airlines, Railways, Buses, Taxis, etc. ( irctc : Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation 2. Chhattisgarh State a. Mr. A. M. Parial showed the state and their activities. b. This is a newly born state in India, the 27th state, where there is full of tourist resource, especially natural one. c. The state shows interests in the use of the SLH and DTI standards. d. They are promoting to be the e-government and paperless state. 3. India Home Stay a. Mrs. Manju Mahajan mentioned that there are a lot of home stay type SLHs in India. She herself has one and she would be able to organize the community of such providers. b. It would be necessary to discuss on the business to provide through SLH related system. 4. The Others a. Mr. B. K. Mitra showed his interest to work for the T/T Domain. b. All of the participants from India agreed to be the members listed in the mailing list of T/T Domain and would join the virtual meetings held in the future.
5. Programme of Work With the presence of UNCEFACT Bureau Vice Chair, Mr. Harm Jan van Burg, and Mr. Mitsuru Ishigaki, AFACT Rapporteur to UNCEFACT, we had a discussion on T/T Domain programme of work for coming 2 years. a. T/T Domain has been discussing on this since several years ago, and showed the most up-to-dated chart attached. b. Mr. Vipeng Mahajan of India expressed his concern on sustainability of life on the earth (ref: Tourism created by the use of SLH and DTI standards could benefit much local people, especially, by creating jobs. SLHs with local culture and history, and cherished by local people could be attractive to world tourists. Not only in India but also in Asia there really exist a lot of such SLHs. He showed his support on what are shown in the destination information and travel products chart. c. He also pointed out that recent advanced IT technologies are entirely different from the conventional ones. It is recommended to make use of Cloud and Mobil technologies with Open Source software. d. T/T Domain has a good attendance of experts, from younger to elder members, and this should be kept into the future. It is highly recommended to let younger IT experts involved in the standards development and related international activities.
5-2. Destination Information & Travel Products SLH (Lodging Houses ) DTI ( Destination Travel Information ) Buses Restaurants, Eating Places Customers (Consumers, Retailers) Network Taxis & Local RentalCars Conventions, & Others Local Railways 、 Airports, Ferries, etc. Sports, Events, Local Actibities, etc. AirA Global Airlines, Chain Hotels, Worldwide Rental Cars, Railways, & Others Time Table Travel Statistics Traveler Personal Info Security Advertisements Publications (Mostly Standardized) (Standards Developing) (Standards in the Future)