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Suffering LO: to enquire into the purpose of suffering
Victor’s Story "Why does God allow evil people to prosper and good people to suffer?" This is one of the questions that has troubled thinking people down the years. If God exists, and if He is both good and powerful, then why doesn't He display His goodness and use His power, to punish the wicked and reward the righteous? Why instead, does He appear to allow evil people to get away with their crimes and righteous people to experience all kinds of trials?
Victor’s Story Can suffering make you bitter or better? Agree Disagree
Explain what is meant by the term soul making 2 marks
The belief that suffering makes it possible for people to ‘grow’ into more mature individuals. For example: bereavement, natural disasters, losing your job etc.
What mark would you give this answer? Q - Explain what is meant by the term soul making 2 marks A - Being more mature
What mark would you give this answer? Q - Explain what is meant by the term soul making 2 marks A - Soul making is about a person becoming more mature because they have gone through a bad time. For example, they have suffered because of a natural disaster
What mark would you give this answer? Q - Explain what is meant by the term soul making 2 marks A - forest fire and suffering