Rainbow Class makes Sleeping Beauty’s Castle
Nip and Tuck Supermarket wine boxes made the ideal size for the castle building- fortunately supply was not a problem!! The boys worked out how to add towers.
Are we taking this seriously? While Finn works hard to check his measurements are accurate, James takes the ‘cowboy builder’ approach.
At last! No glue! Luke’s expertise at holding things together is still needed, but at least he’s not waiting for anything to dry….
I see no ships Sleeping Beauty will be glad to have Finn on the case- Thomas and Oliver find alternative uses for the tower components….
It’s all about the finish The children were keen to make edges neat and measurements accurate. Lots of scissor skills have improved over the duration of the project.
This’ll keep intruders out Thomas places lolly sticks carefully and makes sure they’re spaced evenly. A fiddly job!!
Painting the portcullis We used lolly sticks cut to length, then painted them grey. Quite a challenge not to get any paint on our fingers. Not everyone managed it!
Meanwhile back at Troll’s bridge With only one painting table some parts of Fairy tale kingdom overlap. Just a few details to tweak… or is this a chance to play at trip trapping?
Got to get the shade just right Until these are painted grey, they’ll just look like some lolly sticks glued together. What does yours look like?
Duck and cover Transformation taking place- cardboard city becomes something more magical. With some shiny paper tiles these towers will look as though they belong on Sleeping Beauty’s Castle.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil …….. And do no evil either! These three wanted to make sure the drawbridge was just right. Three pairs of hands are better than one.
A thorny issue! A hundred years of brambles in one afternoon. The prince will have his work cut out to get through this.
And so to bed! Only satin and sequins will be good enough for our princess. A bed fit for a Queen.
An afternoon on the tiles! A shining example of roofing!! We used metallic squares and covered the towers.
Taking shape Shine on! Beatrice colour co-ordinates her roof tiles and is pleased with the result.
Engrossed in the detail! Eleanor and Alice add some finishing touches, just look at the concentration on those faces.
“New castle” united! No fear of relegation on this table – We think this is a stunner!!