FEDERATION OF INDIAN EXPORT ORGANISATIONS BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH 2011 ScheduleAs at LIABILITIESRs. Land & Building Fund 181,522,007 Earmarked Fund1 4,489,250 4,138,144 (Prime Minister's National Relief Fund) Accumulated Surplus2 82,153,771 67,445,396 Current Liabilities & Provisions3 37,892,445 23,228,084 Deposits4 10,345,026 8,999,375 Subscription Received in advance5 39,148,591 38,104,852 Unspent Grant6 4,601, ,640 International - ITC Centres 839,960 2,433,816 Total 360,992, ,646,314 ASSETS Fixed Assets7 113,971, ,684,030 Investments8 110,186, ,066,913 Earmarked Investments9 4,166,153 3,612,016 Current Assets, Loans & Advances - Cash and Bank Balances10 12,421,577 11,355,223 - Loans & Advances11 120,247,349 63,928,132 Total 360,992, ,646,314
FEDERATION OF INDIAN EXPORT ORGANISATIONS INCOME & EXPENDITURE A/C FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2011 ScheduleFor the year Rs. INCOME Subscription576,957,251 74,786,367 Interest Income 9,029,421 10,385,360 Income from Events & Programmes12 283,454, ,989,280 MDA Grant from Ministry6 14,032,799 12,238,514 (to the extent of expenditure) Other Income13 22,920,273 18,511,423 Total 406,394, ,910,943 EXPENDITURE Administrative & Other Expenses14 107,903,161 94,749,147 Events & Programmes Expenses15 258,123, ,260,106 Disbursement of MDA grant6 14,032,799 12,238,514 Total 380,059, ,247,766 Surplus for the year before Depreciation 26,334,441 16,663,177 Less :Depreciation for the year7 11,626,065 13,984,638 Surplus for the Year2 14,708,376 2,678,539
FEDERATION OF INDIAN EXPORT ORGANISATIONS INCOME & EXPENDITURE A/C FOR THE PERIOD Apri-Sept,2011 Schedu le For the period For the Period April-Sept 11 April-Sept 10 Rs. INCOME (HO & NR) (WR)(SR)(ER)(Overall) Subscription 19,266,403 35,288,281 13,624,300 6,345,101 74,524,085 64,370,077 Interest Income 8,004,369 5,605,887 Income from Events & Programmes 12 78,857,878 6,104,449 2,103,791 1,528,981 88,595, ,436,157 (to the extent of expenditure) Other Income13 16,179,717 1,107,465 31,467 92,081 17,410,730 12,171,960 Total 122,308,367 42,500,195 15,759,558 7,966, ,534, ,584,081 EXPENDITURE Administrative & Other Expenses14 45,173,239 8,526,784 5,940,597 2,826,504 62,467,124 48,085,849 Events & Programmes Expenses15 61,122,658 5,873,919 1,265,789 1,223,962 69,486, ,418,506 Total 106,295,897 14,400,703 7,206,386 4,050, ,953, ,504,355 Surplus for the year before Depreciation 16,012,470 28,099,492 8,553,172 3,915,697 56,580,831 54,079,726 Less :Depreciation for the year Surplus 16,012,470 28,099,492 8,553,172 3,915,697 56,580,831 54,079,726
MEMBERSHIP STATEMENT Up to 31st October, 2011 (Figure in Rupees) S.NO.DESCRIPTIONWESTERNSOUTHERNEASTERNNORTHERNTOTAL MEMBERSHIP OF Membership Budget for ,500,00014,000,0007,500,00021,000,00080,000,000 2 Membership Received upto 31st March' 11 for the year ,425,619 14,002,789 7,360,500 19,321,563 77,110,471 3 Membership received upto 31st Oct' 10 for ,554,044 12,092,165 6,246,000 16,744,000 67,636,209 4 %age of Membership received for of approved Budget upto 31st Oct' MEMBERSHIP OF Membership Budget for ,000,00015,400,0008,250,00022,500,00086,150,000 2 Membership Received upto 31st Oct' 11 for the year ,438,208 14,015,500 6,528,773 19,984,869 76,967,350 3 %age of Membership received for of approved Budget upto 31st Oct' For future Membership we have to consider the following point : - 1.M. C. Decision 2.European Crisis 3.Economic slow down
Our Suggestion Broad base Membership Our effort should be to broad base membership to generate revenue. For this we have to give better services to member & to explore cluster from where we can get membership. Special attention on status holders is to be given. Activity Our efforts should be to make our domestic activities self financed as much as possible. We should also organize domestic activity periodically to make FIEO a brand. We should try to take Study Project Report of state government.. State government agency dealing in trade may also be contacted for better coordination with state concerned.
Other Issue CENVAT Regional head must ensure that region concern utilize benefit of Cenvat. Regular advisory is being issued but still we have not achieved goal It is loss of revenue on part of FIEO. IMPREST We do not get request from region automatically and this must be ensured to sent on time to H. O. to ensure timely disbursement of fund towards routine expenditure.
Basic Pay Range Class A City Other Cities Staying (Rs. ) Food & other Expenses (Rs.) DA (Rs.)Staying (Rs. ) Food & other Expenses (Rs.) DA (Rs.) Rs.17000/- and above (Air with the approval of DG&CEO) Actuals (subject to approval of DG&CEO/ Reg. Chairman 500/- Actuals (subject to approval of DG&CEO/ Reg. Chairman 450/-400/- Rs.12500/- to Rs.16999/- 1200/-350/-400/-1000/-300/- Rs.8000/- to Rs.12499/- 1000/-325/-350/-800/-275/-250/- Rs.6500/- to Rs.7999/- 800/-300/- 600/-250/-225/- Rs.4500/- to Rs.6499/- 700/-275/-250/-500/-225/-200/- Rs.3250/- to Rs.4499/- 500/-250/-200/-300/-200/-175/- Rates of Accommodation and DA Note: 1) Actual are to be supported with voucher 2) This will not include alcoholic beverage & laundry charges 3) In case of own arrangement, only DA will be paid as per the rate given above. 4) In case of non-production of paid bill(s) of food & other expenses, 50% of the above rate will be paid. 5) In case of boarding & lodging providing by the Employer/ Complementary 50% of the food & other expenses will be paid 6) In Journey period, food & other expenses will be paid as per details given below:- - Upto 6 hrs - NIL - Over 6 hrs but less than 12 hrs - 75% - Over 12 hrs - 100%
Thank You