Philippines: Learning from Typhoon Haiyan GNC Annual meeting October 2015
Overview Philippine context Nutrition response to Typhoon Haiyan – Initial Response – Revised response Learning from Haiyan Nutrition Cluster moving forward
Context: The Philippines Middle income country vulnerable to natural hazards Nutrition situation: wasting 8%, stunting 30%, 34% EBF, 15% MDD, 39% and 25% anemia- infants (6-12 months) & PW government adopted Cluster Approach ‘Clusters’ = sectoral working groups until international response requested- then IASC support
Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) 8 th Nov 2013: Typhoon Haiyan Strongest typhoon ever recorded: 4.1 M affected (1.7 M children U5) in 3 regions Hit at a very vulnerable time International support and clusters ‘activated’ by IASC (November 18 th 2013)
Nutrition Cluster (NC) 2013 National Nutrition Council (NNC) became government lead agency for NC 20 cluster partners Strategic Core Group 4 working groups: CMAM, IYCF, Advocacy, Assessments
Nutrition Response to Haiyan Initial Response: Nov 2013 Limited capacity within government National and 3 sub-national clusters Initial response: – CMAM: children and PLW – Breastfeeding support and BMS Donation – MNS: children and PW
Revised response (Feb 2014) SMART survey (+3 mo) lower GAM (4%) than expected and high Stunting (31%) Refocused SRP – managing SAM with preventive IYCF, – capacity building for IYCF, CMAM and NIE – IYCF counseling-BF+CF (+MN) – Strengthening health systems for nutrition service delivery Implications – Revised SRP – SRP Targets recalibrated – PCAs reviewed/revised – Excess stock of RUTF re-allocated
Learning (1) Management of acute malnutrition is not necessarily the most appropriate response to a natural disaster Shifting programme strategies in the middle of SRP takes time and is an intensive process (Partner capacity + Admin) Building systems and capacity from outset is crucial to support future transition (IM)
Learning (2) Implementing Partner selection process should be documented and discussed with government and cluster members at national and regional levels Capacity mapping should be part of NC preparedness activities A capacity development plan (supporting existing systems and mechanisms) is useful to develop early on in the response (Provides framework and guidance)
Learning (3) Standardized training packages (NiE and IM) for responding to nutrition emergencies should be integrated into existing packages IYCF response needs more guidance for non-BF, SOPs for reporting Code violations, support to CF during emergency response
Learning (4) Nutrition cluster (and TWGs) provided an opportunity for policy advocacy and national guidance/systems (eg: IMAM, IYCF-E) Challenging to raise funds for preparedness (Non- Emergency times)- need to link to SUN and CRF Double hatting provided opportunities for linking emergency and development programmes and funding
Philippines NC: Moving forward ‘Transitioned’ back to govt leadership Remains active with a focus on – Preparedness – long term nutrition programming linked to SUN Challenges for govt, UNICEF, partners – Funding? – staffing numbers and capacity? – Lack of recognition of weaknesses (govt)