Advanced Art Review Elements of Design
Elements of Design: Lines Line- a continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point. Lines can be painted along an edge of the road or implied. Lines can be structural, hatching or cross hatching. Decorative, express emotion, and direct the viewers eye. Horizontal, zig zag, vertical, diagonal, curved or wavy.
Shape An enclosed space defined by a line. Circles, squares, triangles, organic, blobs etc. Two or three dimensional shapes.
Form A three dimensional object: a defined volume of space.
Space The distance or area around or between elements of an artwork. Illusion of depth created on a flat surface. Perspective, overlapping, size, detail, color and value.
Color Visible spectrum of radiation reflected from an object. Three properties are: Hue- the name of the color Intensity or saturation-the purity or (brightness or dullness) of the color. Value- the lightness or darkness of a color. White or black will appear when mixed in.
Value How light or dark an object or element is, independent of its color. Shading uses value to depict light and shadow. Sets the mood of the piece. Can be bold, stark and stylized. Low key- mostly dark. High key-brightly lit or washed out.
texture The tactile sensation or feel of the surface, rough, smooth, bumpy etc.