EuroCRIS EuroCrisNews A publication of EuroCRIS Reader Survey – October 2001
The Survey - Background Sent to 57 members of EuroCRIS discussion forum. 20 answers were received. The “editor” did not answer the survey. We can responsibly use these answers as indicative of the membership viewpoints.
Question #1 Publication Frequency –Is the current publication frequency of every two weeks to your satisfaction? Just Right…..11 Too Much…..9
Question #2 Content –Is the overall newsletter content to your satisfaction? Yes……………..12 Very much so…..8
Question #3 Section Names –Are the section names to your satisfaction? Yes………… Very much so…..5 Somewhat………1
Question #4 Order of Content –Is the current order of the sections to your satisfaction? Yes…………….11 Somewhat……....5 Very much so…..3 Not at all………..1
Question #5 Usefulness of Content –Of sixteen respondents the different sections are read by how many readers? EuroCRIS News……………..19 Events………………………..17 Technology…………………..16 Publications and Websites…...15 Europe………………………..13 Project Funding…………...…..7
Question #6 Content Lacking –Membership Input –CRIS Profiles* and their Innovations –CRIS related information systems information, I.e. libraries –Shared Experiences/Best Practices * Editorial note: This feature has appeared in past editions when member input was received. It has not been a regular feature.
Question #7 Format –Is the newsletter format to your satisfaction? Yes……………...10 Very much so…….7 Somewhat…….…..2 Not at all………….1
Question #8 Use of Graphics –Is the use of graphics a problem? Not at all…..19 Somewhat…..1
Question #9 Length –Is the average newsletter length to your satisfaction? Yes……………..10 Very much so…..6 Somewhat….…...3 Not at all………..1
Question #10 Web Archive –Are you aware of the Web-based newsletter archive? Yes………..18 Now I am…..2
General Reader Comments I read it, use the links (not absolutely every one) and like the style and content. Like you I am particularly concerned that everything is on your shoulders and we are not sharing around the work enough Sections reporting on the task groups would be good. I do use the links imbedded in the content. Yes, I have learned about new technologies and trends. To be aware of new trends in CRIS is very important because South Africa is so isolated. I wish to thank Europe for taking the lead and effort to build the EuroCRIS community of best practices and I can ensure you that South Africa benefit also from your expertise.
General Reader Comments General: we need an editorial board; on the long run it is too much work for one person. How can we get the membership more involved in the development of the newsletter?Invited contributions might be a solution. Is the name EuroCrisNews okay? Yes. Do you use the links imbedded in the content? Sometimes. Unfortunately I do not have enough time to look everything in detail. Have you learned of new opportunities, technologies, or events because of the newsletter? Not specifically; reading has been too superficial.
General Reader Comments Overall I am very satisfied both with content and layout of ECN. Since I am relatively new in my job, I find that the newsletter gives a lot of valuable information. There is only one thing I dislike about the newsletter, and that is the glaring logo... My opinion that more information about CRIS development should be published. Of course, it needs more feedback and participation of all EuroCRIS member, but it is very important to know about technology, marketing and other achievements of EuroCRIS teams.. which new systems are developed, which new technology for what are developed, which problems meet, how they solved So news must be more interactive.
General Reader Comments We could perhaps find a way to restrict the sending to interesting topics - related to topics which everyone can choose - like the topic "Metadata". Good work!! I use the links and forward interesting news on articles and new technology to colleagues. It is very useful. Eric, Sorry no time for the Q. But keep up the good work. EuroCrisNews is the right name and brings really interesting information built in an attractive structure. A perfect example of its kind – ed newsletters in html. Congratulations. Very uncomfortable to read. I promise I will read future editions more carefully;)
General Reader Comments Please send a newsletter once a month - and a special edition when appropriate. I forwarded each of your newsletters to our Steering Group members (each of them involved in research management at our supplying universities) - of whom only very few actually found the time to peruse the newsletter on a regular basis. So... I myself - personal view - would be happy with an interesting review once a month, giving me the tickle of surprise I can look forward to. There may be a risk of routine creeping in when the frequency is rather high as the matter is +/- technical. However, I am not specially interested in funding - which probably has a higher "news" value. But if we end up with a portal anyway, this might be even more useful for people actually looking for funding. Maybe in the long run some attending (alert via for subjects selected by the user) ?.
General Reader Comments …even if I’m very happy to receive the newsletter that I always read with interest, I changed my job and I’m not any more involved in the EuroCRIS activities. Thank you for useful information in the newsletter. The name EuroCrisNews is okay. I do not take the time to use the links. But maybe when the newsletter is monthly there is more time to read and use. I have especially learned a lot of new technologies and events. The overall content is professional. EuroCrisNews can play (with some changes) an important role in the promotion of EuroCRIS.
General Reader Comments I have some reaction concerning “Europe”. What is meant? EU related matters in CORDIS news? If that is the case maybe the title should be EU Research”. In any case some clarification will be welcome. I find it very useful and I frequently use the links. I think that people will get more involved in it as soon as their projects and the CRIS community become stronger. Of course I always learn new things because of the newsletter. It is a very useful tool and I must congratulate Eric for the nice work. Getting the membership involved is not easy – I haven’t given the newsletter sufficient attention myself. The only way (I think) to become more involved is making the newsletter as short as possible – and the upcoming event in England will probably improve matters as well.
Conclusions (Eric Z.) We may move over to a monthly schedule, though many members are happy with the current schedule. This will minimize editorial workload and make it easier for an eventual successor. When appropriate, a special edition could be published, I.e. pre/post EuroCRIS meetings and/or conferences. The order of the sections will be changed to reflect those sections read by most members. See slide above to question #5.slide The overall length and general format are okay. Only one reader found the current format “uncomfortable”.
Conclusions (Eric Z.) Information felt to be missing in the newsletter is directly related to membership input. All members are asked to contribute. We shall add a new sub-section to EuroCRIS News named CRIS Profiles. This will follow EuroCRIS Member Profiles. It is not generally believed that we need an editorial board. The Promotion TG could act in this capacity. The comments, overall, are positive. EuroCrisNews is proving itself to be a needed tool in building and nurturing a EuroCRIS community. IMHO, this survey should be repeated annually.
Conclusions (Eric Z.) Eric Z. (a.k.a. zimmee and EZ) thanks all members for contributions and comments. Of special note are the many suggestions forwarded by Andrei, especially as regards technology issues. Likewise, those members who have sent member profiles are thanked. Keep ‘em comin’.