111 EMC CONFIDENTIAL—INTERNAL USE ONLY Copyright © 2002 Legato Systems, Inc. Peter Booth 14July, 2005
22 EMC CONFIDENTIAL—INTERNAL USE ONLY Introduction Overview of NetWorker 7.3 (Keystone) plan for Beta and Transfer of Information sessions (TOI’s) Major new features (full TOI’s to be delivered) Minor new features (Written summaries will be provided) Other new features (Small, very minor changes, summarized in this session) and miscellaneous Questions and Answers
33 EMC CONFIDENTIAL—INTERNAL USE ONLY Overview of NetWorker 7.3 (Keystone) plan for Beta and Transfer of Information sessions (TOI’s) Many new features aimed at usability and stability and EDM conversions and TCE(Total Customer Experience). Core feature TOI’s will be delivered over the next 4 weeks (15 separate days), generally 2 hours a day. Unlike in past Beta’s, we will be utilizing an external eRoom for customers to log their issues. A process will be distributed. Support attendees will also be participating in the Beta by monitoring the eroom for issues from customers. Support engineers and customers will be provided information regarding case handling prior to the beginning of beta.
44 EMC CONFIDENTIAL—INTERNAL USE ONLY Overview of NetWorker 7.3 (Keystone) plan for Beta and Transfer of Information sessions (TOI’s) cont’d Written summaries for new features not requiring a full TOI will be provided over the next two weeks. (as they are completed and approved for distribution). Recorded presentations will be available shortly after each presentation is completed. Customer documentation (Admin Guides, Install Guides and Release Supplement) will be available when the beta begins. These should be reviewed for any limitations for the Beta and possibly for GA.
55 EMC CONFIDENTIAL—INTERNAL USE ONLY Features and TOI Schedule Cloning and Browse Retention (7/19/05) Mail Home (7/19/05) NMC Install And Update(7/21/05) NMC Usability (7/21/05) NMC - Device Configuration & Volume Management (7/26/05) NMC - Monitoring & Reporting (7/26/05) Savesets and Jobs (7/28/05) Authentication (8/2/05) Nsrjb robustness and SN Affinity list (8/4/05) Advanced File Type Devices (8/9/05) SCSI Reserve/Release (8/9/05) NSR Shutdown (8/11/05) Threads (8/11/05)
66 EMC CONFIDENTIAL—INTERNAL USE ONLY Other Features Key4013Solaris Extended File Attributes Support Key4018Large Records in Media DB Key4032Windows platform option to disable/enable 8.3 filenames Key4033NW I18N Key4070Scanner “end silently” option to automate MDB rebuilds NoneUser Documentation Key7004New Features/functionality Performance Key8001Supported Operating Systems Key8007System Memory Requirements Key8003Supported File Systems, Volume Managers Key8400Supported Storage Networking Environments Key8500Supported VSS writers Key9301Disable Access Control Enablers in core NW LGTpa56256Device and Jukebox "server network interface" LGTpa56360Idle Device Unload LGTpa56367new attribute 'max parallelism' for pools LGTpa56358Don't save bootstrap if 'no index save' is set. CR47Mac ACL CR16 Allow pstclnsave to terminate itself when savegrp/savepnpc exits abnormally
77 EMC CONFIDENTIAL—INTERNAL USE ONLY Questions?? Any questions that have not been answered yet? Thanks for attending Questions after the session can be forwarded to until the end of beta. Remember that we are striving for Total Customer Experience (TCE): TCE is EMC’s company-wide commitment to consistently exceed our customers’ expectations for quality, service, innovation, and interaction"
88 EMC CONFIDENTIAL—INTERNAL USE ONLY References Where to learn more –Document repository numbers –Pointers to other documentation