KalFitAlg: recent developments and tests WANG Dayong Jan.18,2006
Outline Recent developments and some tests Status and usage Present performances Existing problems and possible solutions The next to do
A retrospect: what we achieved for Boss5.0.0(Nov,2005) Event model in both TDS and DST are fixed, root file persistified, the loop closed for KalTrack Previous memory leakage problem extensively inspected and cured by a new model with improved track-hit relation after discussion Check and use nearly the same material and geometry parameters with simulation Run smoothly with both Pattern Recognition algs and nearly the same or a little better helix parameters and momentum as PR algs obtained, the tendency of error matrix variation is correct with 5 particle hypotheses.
0.4GeV/c Proton, theta=90degree Mean Sigma Mean Sigma From wangdy’s report at software meeting Nov.3
Recent developments since Dec Backward fitting with different mass hypotheses Flight length and TOF calculation Sampling length calculation Extraction of control flags and parameters Codes adjustment and comment to make it more clear a Many checks and tests for multiple scattering, energy loss treatment, inner wall treatment, choices for cuts, etc (see the following)
Tests and debug With and without material effect Different LR decision All hits or used hits Drift distance and tof correction Comparison of different mass hypotheses Comparison of different matrix initialization Different cuts for Δχ 2
Status and usage Helix and error matrix at IP: 5 particle hyp. directly for physics analysis Helix and error matrix at MDC innermost layer: 5 particle hyp. for 2 nd vertex fitting Helix and error matrix at MDC outermost layer: 5 particle hyp. (optional), for track extrapolation Flight length from IP to outermost layer and time of flight: different particle hyp. optional, for TOF recon. Sampling length at each layer: for dE/dx recon
Control flags and parameters muls: multiple scattering 0:close 1: open loss: energy loss 0:close 1:open lr : how to set lr ambig 0:independendtly 1:use lr from PR matrixg: the factor to use in matrix initialization debug: debug verbose 0:close 1--4: lower to maximum ntuple: control of ntuple using bitmap FEDCBA A:n101 B:n103 C:n102/n104 D:n105 E:mctruth in n101 F:error matrix activeonly: whether use active hits only 0:all 1:active hits only matfile, cylfile: dir and name of data file currently used deltachi2_cutf, deltachi2_cutfs: Δχ 2 cuts pe_cut, pmu_cut, ppi_cut, pk_cut, pp_cut: mom cut in filter back :backward fitting 0:close 1:open i_back: mass hyp. used in backward fitting <0 :only pion Pt: pt cut for backward fitting tofflag : re-calculate the drift distance with tof correction tof_hyp: mass hypothesis when calculate TOF
Choice of cuts for Δχ 2 One cut is not good enough, so we set two, different for forward and backward fitting The criteria is the distribution of chisq and probability The cut is tested with kk2f, dimu, and different tester samples At present, the cut is set as 7.0 and 9.0 respectively, still need optimization
1GeV/c Pion Δχ 2 =7,9 e mu pi K p trk p K pi mu e length tof Filter(forward) smoother
Psi’’ inclusive Δχ 2 =7,9 e mu pi K p trk p K pi mu e length tof Filter(forward) smoother
Two track resolution(1)
Two track resolution(2)
Two track resolution(3)
Helix parameters:1GeV pion
Helix parameters:0.5GeV proton
J/Psi rho pi To test the error matrix with the help of kinematic fit The algorithm is provided by Kanglin He 4C efficiency is lower, so some problem must exist Careful check and test is still going on
J/Psi rho pi :test MdcTrkR econ After KalFit TrkRecoAfter KalFit event good trks pion >=2 photon VtxFit C Fit C Fit
J/Psi rho pi :test without wall Inverse lay dire Inverse wir direc Inverse bck-fwd Inverse lr defin VtxFit350 4C Fit C Fit Matrix gain=1 Matrix gain4000 Diag Matrix without NUMF No mat effect VtxFit C Fit C Fit
Possiblities Multiple hits in a single layer Sign conventions Others???
Other issues Non Uniform Magnetic Field: Wire sagita: the framework for this is there; c++ implementation of the correction function by Jike Wang Wire shift, x-t relation, wire resolution: from calibration
The next to do Find out the origin of the problem rho pi and improve Optimization of all the parameters and cuts with different physics events More error matrix check with other physics channels Documentation and notes