FACE™ is a Trademark of The Open Group Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Executive Overview Dennis Stevens Lockheed Martin Kirk Avery Lockheed Martin February 2, 2016 NAVAIR Public Release Distribution Statement A "Approved for public release distribution is unlimited”
FACE™ is a Trademark of The Open Group Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Business Objectives and Practices
3 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR B787 Next Military Vehicle Unaffordable! F-35 ~9.5 Million SLOC ~17 yrs. Start->EIS GAO page 18 6/2012 F/A-18 F-22 F-16 F-14 B-2 A-10 Avionics cost and complexity The unaffordable trend in modern systems Time/ Cost Complexity/SLOC S/W Integration Dominant H/W Dominant B737 B777 A300/B747 A320 A340 A380 Next Military Vehicle Possible! B787 ~10 Million SLOC ~7 yrs. start->EIS Boeing quoted in NYC Aviation, 9/28/2011 GE’s CCS, “open” IMA computing and tools reset “the curve” for the Boeing 787 “…Paradoxically, some of the most complex areas - such as the software-intensive common core system [CCS] at the heart of the 787’s avionics and systems architecture - have proved robust and stable…CCS has been rock solid for us.” Scott Fancher, Boeing 787 vice president and general manager, 02/15/2010 Aviation Week & Space Technology
4 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR The FACE approach is a Government-industry software standard and business strategy to: Acquire affordable software systems Rapidly integrate portable capabilities across global defense programs Attract innovation and deploy it quickly and affordably FACE Approach
5 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR DoD Airborne systems are typically developed for a unique set of requirements by a single vendor –Platform-unique designs limit reuse of software and increase cost –Creates barriers to competition within and across platforms –Long lead times, even for urgent needs Current DoD Acquisition structure does not support the process of software reuse across different programs –Aviation community has not adopted a common set of Open Architecture (OA) standards sufficient to allow the reuse of software components across the DoD fleet –Aviation community has failed to enforce conformance to any existing open standards that are in use –Platform PMAs are not funded to assume cost or schedule risk of multi- platform requirements Why a FACE Initiative? The Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) initiative is an approach designed as a response to the DoD aviation community’s problems
6 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Why a FACE Consortium? A consortium formed under the auspices of The Open Group is a “Voluntary Consensus Standards Body” as defined by the Nat’l Tech. Transfer Act and OMB Circular A- 119 with the following attributes: Openness Balance of interest Due process An appeals process Consensus Enabler for consortium participation by US agencies Foundation of consortium status under National Cooperative Research and Production Act (NCRPA) Steering Committee Chair: US Army PEO AVN Vice Chair: Rockwell Collins Support: The Open Group Advisory Board Enterprise Architecture Standing Committee Lead: Raytheon FACE and UCS Alignment Lead: NAVAIR Outreach Subcommittee Lead: Wind River Library Subcommittee Lead: AMRDEC Conformance Subcommittee Lead: AMRDEC Business Model Subcommittee Lead: Northrop Grumman EA Support Leads: Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, NAVAIR Reference Implementation Guide Leads: Lockheed Martin, NAVAIR Conformance Verification Matrix Leads: NAVAIR, ISIS Configuration Leads: AMRDEC, Rockwell Collins Graphics Leads: Rockwell Collins. Boeing General Enhancement Leads: NAVAIR, Rockwell Collins Transport Leads: NAVAIR, Rockwell Collins Security Leads: Harris, AMRDEC Airworthiness Guidance Leads: Verocel, AMRDEC Standards Subcommittee Leads: Lockheed Martin, NAVAIR BWG Support Leads: Lockheed Martin, NAVAIR, ISIS Data Model Leads:Sikorsky, ISIS Business Working Group Chair: Lockheed Martin Vice: AMRDEC Technical Working Group Chair: Lockheed Martin Vice: NAVAIR 75+ Organizations 950+ Individual Participants AMRDEC: US Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center ISIS: Institute for Software Integration Systems NAVAIR: US Navy Naval Air Systems Command
7 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Sponsor Level Member Organizations Air Force Research Laboratory Boeing Lockheed Martin Rockwell Collins US Army PEO Aviation US Navy NAVAIR FACE Consortium Members Principal Level Member Organizations BAE Systems Elbit Systems of America GE Aviation Systems General Dynamics Green Hills Software Harris Corporation Honeywell Aerospace IBM Northrop Grumman Raytheon Sierra Nevada Corp. Sikorsky Aircraft Textron Systems US Army AMRDEC UTC Aerospace Systems Wind River Associate Level Member Organizations Abaco Systems AdaCore Alliant Techsystems Operations LLC Astronautics Corporation of America Avalex Technologies Avionics Interface Technologies Brockwell Technologies CALCULEX Camber Corporation Carnegie Mellon Univ. – Software Engineering Institute CERTON Software, Inc. Chesapeake Technology Int’l. CMC Electronics Cobham Aerospace Communications Concurrent Computer Corporation Core Avionics & Industrial Inc. Creative Electronic Systems North America CTSi Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions DDC-I DornerWorks Draper Laboratory Enea Software & Services ENSCO Avionics Esterel Technologies Esterline AVISTA Exelis Inc. GECO Inc. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. GrammaTech, Inc. Howell Instruments, Inc. Intrepid, LLC Johns Hopkins Univ. - APL Joint Tactical Networking Center Kaman Precision Products KEYW Corp. KIHOMAC Kutta Technologies L-3 Communications LDRA Technology Leidos Inc. Lynx Software Technologies Mercury Systems OAR Corporation Physical Optics Corp. Presagis USA, Inc. Pyrrhus Software Real-Time Innovations Richland Technologies SAIC Selex Galileo Inc. SimVentions Southwest Research Institute Stauder Technologies Support Systems Associates Symetrics Industries Technology Service Corporation TES-SAVI Thales USA, Inc. Thomas Production Company TTTech North America, Inc. ULTRAX Aerospace, Inc. US Army Electronic Proving Ground University of Dayton Research Institute Vencore, Inc. Verocel Zodiac Data Systems The FACE Consortium was formed in 2010 by The Open Group
8 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Government Benefits Aligns with Better Buying Power 3.0 –Promote effective competition, achieve affordability, and control life cycle costs –Incentivize productivity and innovation in Industry and Government –Reduces subsequent software development times through modularity and portability –Eliminate redundancy within Warfighter portfolios Facilitates Cross-Platform Decision-Making –Ability to re-use applications across multiple platforms without cross-platform dependencies –No need to invest multiple times for the same capability –Common operating environment and data architecture enable system of systems integration and interoperability
9 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Industry Benefits Enables new markets –Creates software-centric market opportunities –Enables penetration of formerly closed platforms –Provides opportunity for software applicability to multiple aircraft types Lowers costs of doing business –Common standards lower cost and schedule risks –Standardization of software interfaces allows for rapid development of capabilities –Re-use of software applications enables integrators to increase platform capabilities
10 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR How FACE Initiative is Different From Previous DoD OA Efforts? FACE initiative is addressing business aspects in parallel with development of the Technical Standard –Analyzed previous OA efforts –Developed FACE Business Guide –Establish FACE Library to provide the infrastructure necessary to enable the discovery and acquisition of FACE Conformant products Enables the software supplier to control the flow of information –Standard defined in sufficient detail to allow robust conformance certification program Public-Private collaboration to establish value for both customer and supplier –Government owns/manages the data rights to interfaces –Protects Industry investment by allowing retention of IP to the business logic of the capability Designed as platform and hardware agnostic –Allows for unprecedented scale of reuse across multiple platforms with unique implementations Aggressive outreach by both Industry and Government –Build executive interest and adoption from the bottom up –5 Contract Awards (Air Force, Army, Navy), 4 RFPs (Army, Navy), 21 RFIs (Army, Navy, SOCOM), 4 BAAs (Army, DARPA, Navy), 4 Sources Sought (2 Navy, 2 Army) 3 SBIRs (1 Navy, 2 Army) * * Please refer to for the most recent list of solicitations with FACE FACE referenceswww.fbo.gov
11 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR <<< Search Results <<< FACE Approved Documents and Tools Software Supplier Subsystem Integrator FACE Conformance Program* FACE Library* Program Office System Integrator Subsystem Integrator Software Supplier Platform Supplier FACE Registry Platform Rqmts Funding FACE Rqmts Funding System with FACE UoCs Artifacts Rights System with FACE UoCs Operational Documentation FACE Units of Conformance (UoCs) Artifacts Rights Subsystems with FACE UoCs Artifacts Rights Verification Package Certification Package FACE UoCs and Artifacts Operational Test and Evaluation Test Report Requirements Platform Interface Information Hardware Interface Information Registry Search and Results FACE Rqmts Funding FACE Rqmts Funding FACE UoCs Artifacts Rights HW Rqmts Funding FACE Rqmts Verification Results Certification Results ___________________ * See Conformance and Library OV’s for details <<< Registry Search Software Supplier Subsystem Integrator Hardware Supplier Hardware Supplier Hardware Supplier FACE UoC Registration Verification and Certification Results and artifacts FACE Approved Documents and Tools Denotes non FACE roles / activities FACE Repositories FACE Approved Documents and Tools <<< Registry Search Search Results; FACE Approved Documents and Tools >>> Registry Search >>> FACE UoC and Artifact Storage FACE Verification FACE Certification DoD Contracting Roles with FACE
12 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Contract Guide A Guide to assist a solicitation with FACE requirements –A Consortium produced document with participants and reviews from USA, USN, USAF, and industry –Not tied to a specific edition of the Tech Standard Provides sample/tailorable language for solicitations –SOW, Tech Spec, Sections L and M, CDRLs, etc. Leverages the DoD OSA Contract Guidebook for Program Managers Does not change procurement process or requirements – adds FACE related clarity
13 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR What is FACE Conformance? FACE Conformance –An assessment of a Software Item, known as a Unit of Conformance (UoC), to the applicable Conformance Requirements contained in the FACE Technical Standard Applicable Requirements –are determined based on the segment and profile selected in the design of the particular UoC Verification of Conformance –is conducted utilizing automated test tools and inspection of design and test documents Conformance Verification Matrix (CVM) –The specific requirements, method of verification, and associated verification evidence is detailed in the CVM
14 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Conformance Program and Processes Software Supplier FACE Verification Authority (VA) FACE Certification Authority (CA) FACE Library Administrator (LA) Initiate Verification Initiate Certification Initiate Registration FACE Verification FACE Certification FACE Registration
15 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Library Provides the infrastructure to enable the development and discovery of FACE UoCs The FACE Library is the primary source of information on: –FACE Consortium activities –Developing to the FACE Technical Standard –How to get a FACE UoC verified and certified –Searching for existing FACE certified UoCs –Advice on how to acquire FACE certified UoCs –Reporting problems with FACE products
16 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR How will you use the FACE Library? Learn general information about the FACE Consortium – Download published FACE documents and tools – Learn about FACE Verification and Certification process – Submit metadata about UoCs and UoC packages to the FACE Conformance Program – Browse and search the FACE Registry for information on FACE certified UoCs – Submit Problem Reports and Change Requests on FACE documents and tools –
FACE™ is a Trademark of The Open Group Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Technical Objectives and Practices
18 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Transitioning to Open Interface Architecture Closed/ProprietaryOpen *
19 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Traditional vs. FACE Integration Approach ASE COMMS NAV DVE Sensor Ground Fire Acquisition Terrain Awareness Aircraft Survivability Equipment Enables Better Buying Power (BBP) Allows cross-platform decision-making Lowers acquisition costs Traditional / Legacy Each platform must develop unique software to integrate avionics/SA hardware and software products Each platform maintains expertise only for their product Each new software block requires an month integration cycle FACE
20 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Eliminates Barriers to Portability Truly portable applications require common open standards at multiple layers in the architectures Prevents lock-in and improves competition throughout supply chain Uniform application of common open standards across DoD aviation needed to break “Cylinders of Excellence”
21 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Architectural Segments FACE Portable Components Segment –Portable Applications –Portable Common Services Transport Services Segment Platform Specific Services Segment –Platform Device Services –Platform Common Services –Graphics Services I/O Services Segment Drivers Operating System Segmen t
22 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Architecture - Generic Partitioned View Standard Transport interfaces Standard OS interfaces
23 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Data Architecture Three levels to the primary data and message models aligned with ideas from the Object Management Group’s (OMG) Model Driven Architecture™ The addition of the Unit of Portability Model (UM) allows components to be tied to the messages and data elements in the Platform Model Supports definition and potentially generation of code and other artifacts Platform Independent Model ( ) Platform-Specific Model ( )
24 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Work Products Technical and Business Development Technical Standard, Edition 2.1 Reference Implementation Guide * Contract Guide Shared Data Model * Conformance Program Conformance Policy Verification Matrix * Conformance Test Suite* Conformance Statement Verification Statement –TMLA –Conformance Certification Guide –Conformance Authority Fee Published Library Infrastructure Library Requirements and Policy Beta Library Tools Reference Repository Operations PR/CR Process and Tool Operational Verification Authorities Authorized Verification Authorities Operational –Certification Authority Authorized –Certification Authority Operational –Library Administrator Authorized –Library Infrastructure Operational * Aligned to FACE Technical Standard, Editions 2.0 and 2.1
25 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR FACE Edition 3.0 –Updates from FACE Ed. 2.X series –Configuration Services update (Centralized and Local) – Extension of I/O Service message types – Extension of OS API Set – Extension to Multi-Core and Hypervisor – Data Model refinements – DM/TSS harmonization – Extension of Graphics Services FACE Technical Standard, Edition 3.0 Technical Enhancements
26 Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR Additional FACE Initiatives FACE Government & Academia Efforts –Support FACE Government and Industry reference prototype Demonstration –Upgrade and maintain conformance tools for FACE Technical Standard FACE Adoption - Government –Develop DoD Service specific appendices for the FACE Contracting Guide –Support the development of DAU courses on open architecture and software product lines –FACE outreach briefs – focused on program managers and other competency areas –Continue to support platform architecture/roadmap assessments –Continue to participate in source selection evaluation teams
Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR © 2015 The Open Group FACE initiative will enable getting capabilities to the Warfighter faster and at a lower cost FACE documentation is being designed through industry and government collaboration FACE initiative is addressing the business concerns that have hampered other OA initiatives FACE Technical Standard should be considered for any Defense avionics software procurement where reuse is a goal Summary
Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR © 2015 The Open Group FACE Consortium Contacts Terry Carlson, US Army, PEO AVN FACE Steering Committee Chair (256) Website: Judy Cerenzia, The Open Group FACE Consortium Program Director (814) Mike Hickey, The Open Group Membership Contact (512)
Distro A, Approved for Public Release NAVAIR © 2015 The Open Group Publicly Available FACE Documentation FACE Technical Standard Edition 1.0 – Technical Corrigendum for FACE Edition 1.0 – FACE Technical Standard Edition 1.1 – FACE Technical Standard Edition 2.0 – FACE Technical Standard Edition 2.1 – FACE Reference Implementation Guide – FACE Shared Data Model – FACE Conformance Policy – FACE Conformance Authorities Plan – FACE Conformance Statement – FACE Verification Statement – FACE Conformance Verification Matrix User's Guide – FACE Conformance Verification Matrix Edition 1.1 – FACE Conformance Verification Matrix Edition 2.0 – FACE Business Guide, Version 1.1 – FACE Library Requirements Document Edition 2.0 – FACE Library Implementation Plan – FACE Conformance Test Suites – For Change Requests / Problem Reports please use the following link: