Obtained Preeminence & Power Daniel Obtained Preeminence & Power Started out preeminent among people of Israel (Dan. 1:3-6) Given power over all Babylon (Dan. 1:17- 20) Received similar power over Medo- Persian empire (Dan. 6:1-3, 28)
Dare to be a Daniel How To Enjoy Success Without Compromise
I. Daniel Was a Man of Purpose Dare to be a Daniel I. Daniel Was a Man of Purpose
I. Daniel Was a Man of Purpose A. Daniel Purposed in His Heart (Dan. 1:8) Young man - strange land - challenge Purposed to uphold law - no matter what Because of that - given favor (v. 9) B. Every Christian: A Person of Purpose No one respects: “wishy-washy” person Purpose: 1 Pet. 3:15; Ecc. 12:13 Because of that – blessed (1 Pet. 3:12)
I. Daniel Was a Man of Purpose II. Daniel Was a Man of Principle Dare to be a Daniel I. Daniel Was a Man of Purpose II. Daniel Was a Man of Principle
II. Daniel Was a Man of Principle A. Daniel Refused to Compromise Conviction Young man refused kings meat (1:8) Old man refused Belshazzar’s gift (5:13-17) When threatened refused decree (6:10) B. People Admire Those of Principle Outwardly ridicule / inwardly want same When someone needed - who is asked? God commends (Psa. 15:1-5)
Dare to be a Daniel I. Daniel Was a Man of Purpose II. Daniel Was a Man of Principle III. Daniel Was a Man of Purity
III. Daniel Was a Man of Purity A. Opponents Could Not Find Fault Faultless in business (6:1-4) Explains his advancement to power This is related to general life of purity B. Christian is to be pure in conduct Even in our youth (1 Tim 4:12; Tit. 2:6-8) As an employee (Tit. 2:9-10) Pure in thought as well as action (2 Cor. 10:5)
Dare to be a Daniel I. Daniel Was a Man of Purpose II. Daniel Was a Man of Principle III. Daniel Was a Man of Purity IV. Daniel Was a Man of Prayer
IV. Daniel Was a Man of Prayer A. Daniel Was Strong in Prayer (6:10) Knelt - Humility Three times - Continual dependence Thanks - Never lost sight of blessings Since early days - faithfulness B. Every Christian Should Follow Daniel Strongest of servants - practice of prayer Pray often (1 Thess. 5:17; Col. 4:2) Affects: purpose, principle, & purity
Dare to be a Daniel I. Daniel Was a Man of Purpose II. Daniel Was a Man of Principle III. Daniel Was a Man of Purity IV. Daniel Was a Man of Prayer