Building Collaborative Cultures through Partnerships for Enhanced Learning Marylhurst Professional Learning Laboratory Schools
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David Douglas High School Scappoose High School Oak Grove Elementary
Lent Elementary School George Middle School
David Douglas H.S. Oak Grove Elem George M.S.Lent Elem. Scappoose H.S. White Black Hispanic Asian/Pac. Islander Native Multi Free/Reduced lunch ELL population Spec. Educ* *based on district figures
Roles University Field Supervisor School Liaison Cooperating teachers Liaison Principal Lab School Coordinator
Mutual Benefits All participants believe that being ‘in practice’ with each other through some type of rounds is beneficial to improving teacher instructional skills and knowledge. Funding allocated to schools, was seen as a tremendous benefit to the participating school district. Supporting pre-service teachers can be viewed as added responsibility, but having funds available for professional development and release time, was extremely well received by the PLLS schools.
Contact Information Dr. Margie Abbott Interim Chair, Marylhurst Education Department