1 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications A Shared Model for Mixed-initiative Synthesis Tasks A Shared Model for Mixed-initiative Synthesis Tasks Austin Tate Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute University of Edinburgh
2 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications I-Technology Cooperation and Communication I-DE Domain Editor I-P 2 Process Panels I-Plan/O-Plan Planning Aid CoABS Grid, KAoS, AKTBus, XML Sockets, Jabber, [Globus GT3] Other Agents & Services I-Q Adaptor
3 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications I-X Approach l The I-X approach involves the use of shared models for task-directed communication between human and computer agents who are jointly exploring (via some process) a range of alternative options for the synthesis of an artifact such as a design or a plan (termed a product). l I-X system or agent views the product as being represented by a set of constraints on the space of all possible products in the application domain. l I-X system or agent is viewed as having two cycles: –Handle Issues –Manage Domain Constraints l Agents can use their capabilities to handle issues or carry out given tasks where “authorised” to do so. l Mixed initiative model for each agent of “mutually constraining the space of products”.
4 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications Ontology Ontology Issues Nodes E.g. activities in a process or parts in a physical artifact Constraints Critical Constraints (shared across multiple components) Auxiliary Constraints (localised to a single component) Annotations E.g. decision rationale and other notes
5 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications Uses of a Shared Model Formal Analysis System Manipulation Knowledge Acquisition User Communication
6 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications Terminology to Support Mixed-Initiative Working l Example use in TRAINS O-Plan l Processes -- l Products -- l Options for Products l Levels within Product Descriptions l Parts (or Phases) within Product Descriptions
O-Plan Web Server Multi-user Task & Planning Support
8 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications I-X Process Panels
9 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications Aim is a Workflow and Messaging “Catch All” l Can take ANY requirement to: –Handle an Issue –Perform an Activity –Respect a Constraint –Note an Annotation l Deals with these via: –Internal capabilities –External capabilities –Manual activity –Reroute or delegate to other panels or agents –Plan and execute a composite of these capabilities l Receives reports and interprets them to: –Understand current status of issues, activities, constraints & annot. –Understand current world state, especially status of process products –Help user control the situation l Copes with partial knowledge
I-X Process Panels
Process Panel Domain Editor Activity Editor Messenger I-Space Map View 3D View PDA View
12 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications l l Further Information
13 Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute Centre for Intelligent Systems and their Applications Tasks & Initiative l Strategic –Tasks: objective setting, option analysis and decision making –Task Types: analysis, direction –Aim: What to do? –Initiative (in many of our scenarios): Often manual l Tactical –Tasks: planning, scheduling, option generation –Task Types: synthesis –Aim: How to do? –Initiative: Greatest opportunity for mixed-initiative l Operational –Tasks: Enactment, adjust approach in context, select from options –Task types: execution, selection, modification –Aim: Just do it! –Initiative: Some parts may be automated