Teaching for Inclusion: Participation and Engagement for All Students A.T. Miller, Ph.D. Coordinator of Multicultural Teaching and Learning University of Michigan
Introductions Introduce yourself to the people around you with two pieces of information: How are you a typical or expected faculty member or instructor in your field? In what way are you a surprising or unconventional faculty member or instructor in your field?
Making Differences Important Address the stereotypes or standard expectations of your field/college Make variety and many contributions known and important Be sure to rotate roles among students and open procedures and participation
What is the link between cultural diversity, community, and academic improvement for all students?
Effective participation by members of all groups in the civic life of our Nation is essential if the dream of one Nation, indivisible, is to be realized….All members of our heterogeneous society must have confidence in the openness and integrity of the educational institutions. -- U.S. Supreme Court, June 2003
The Educational Benefits of Diversity
Students who experienced the most racial and ethnic diversity in classroom settings and in informal interactions with peers showed the greatest engagement in active thinking processes, growth in intellectual engagement and motivation, and growth in intellectual and academic skills. --Michigan Student Study, Gurin, Gurin, Wade, et. al.
Classroom Guidelines Make the rules clear, and agree how they apply to all in the classroom, including you. Be aware and intentional about the effects of your own identity on students and the classroom atmosphere.
Social Identity Profile Take time to fill in the way you would define your own group memberships under the various categories listed Check off those group memberships that are relevant under each heading Take time for a brief timed discussion according to directions
Using Classroom Diversity to Enhance Learning Recognize variations among student preferences and strengths Help students understand and value the differences between each other Make sure that student assignments and participation are open to all equally Don’t make spokespeople or examples of any particular students.
Some Principles for Teaching Inclusively Use dynamics of group work Avoid gate keeping/tracking Concept-based AND problem-based Study groups outside of class Avoid “under-teaching” Relevant and varied modeling, topics, examples, and projects
Dynamics of Group Work Teacher chooses groups and teams Change groups at least once Provide roles, structures, procedures Heterogeneous ‘ability’ within groups Grade the group Varied learning styles
Avoid Gate Keeping Be the coach, not the judge Don’t set up students in competition with each other (never grade on a curve, avoid “winners” and “losers”) Grade to clear standards and expectations Use exams as group goals
Problem vs. Concept-based Balance these approaches Recognize the biases of the material and field you teach and compensate Allow for varied methods that achieve correct results Include plenty of examples and applications
Study Groups Encourage students to work together outside of class in regular study groups Provide structure, roles, and guidance to such groups Assign and change groups at least once a semester
“Under-teaching” Monitor your own behavior, or ask a colleague to observe you Be sure to rotate classroom roles and expectations in a regular pattern throughout all students Be aware of those students you identify with and those who put you off
Constant Relevant Variation Draw on variety of resources for problems, examples, procedures. Make room for student contributions, especially in areas unfamiliar to you Exchange ideas with colleagues of varied backgrounds Take students into the community
General Climate Open and challenging atmosphere Use differences constructively Give students shared responsibility Encourage full participation Provide a variety of modalities Guide and support students to apply learning to their individual experiences Reframe to take ‘heat’ off surprising or unpopular individual contributions
Questions and Comments
Contact Information A.T. Miller Coordinator of Multicultural Teaching and Learning University of Michigan 1327 Geddes Avenue Ann Arbor, Michigan