This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views of its authors only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein. Tackling Literacy difficulties: Identifying and acting / Session I
2 SESSION I – Introduction Literacy and literacy difficulties Quiz: Facts and figures around literacy Impact of literacy difficulties: causes and consequences SESSION II – Action: Recognise Discuss Refer What will you do? Programme
3 Introduction
4 Literacy and literacy difficulties
5 Literacy … is the ability to understand, evaluate, use and engage with written texts to participate in society achieve one’s goals to develop one’s knowledge and potential
6 Someone has literacy difficulties if he/she is not able to use written information to: function in society reach his/her own goals develop his/her knowledge and possibilities ≠ illiteracy, analphabetism Literacy difficulties
7 What do you already know about literacy difficulties?
8 What do you think? What is the percentage of words in a text you should be able to read in order to actually understand the text? A. 60% B. 75% C. 90% D. 100%
9 60% The - - is the - that provides - with - - and - - concerning a healthy, safe and The - - promotes healthy and more - - nutrition intake by - - as well as - - to provide
10 75% The - - is the - that provides consumers with scientifically - and independent information concerning a healthy, safe and - friendly - choice. The - - promotes healthy and more - friendly nutrition intake by individual consumers as well as - - to provide - food -.
11 90 % The nutrition centre is the - that provides consumers with scientifically verified and independent information concerning a healthy, safe and - friendly consumor choice. The nutrition centre - healthy and more - friedly nutrition intake by individual consumers as well as - companies to provide responsible food supplies.
12 The nutrition centre is the authority that provides consumers with scientifically verified and independent information concerning a healthy, safe and environmentally friendly consumer choice. The nutrition centre promotes healthy and more environmentally friendly nutrition intake by individual consumers as well as stimulating companies to provide responsible food supplies. 100 %
13 What do low literate people struggle with?
14 Quiz: Facts and figures
15 QUIZ Question 1 How many 15-year-old in Europe lack the literacy skills required to successfully function in modern society? A.1 out of 20 B.1 out of 10 C.1 out of 5
16 QUIZ Answer 1 C. 1 out of 5
17 QUIZ Question 2 How many adults in Europe lack the literacy skills required to successfully function in modern society? A.1 out of 20 B.1 out of 10 C.1 out of 5
18 QUIZ Answer 2 C. 1 out of 5
19 Impact of literacy difficulties: causes and consequences
20 What are the causes?
21 Home situation and social environment Education Individual factors “Use it or lose it” Combination of causes
22 What are the consequences? In general: For the person itself and his family For society and economy
23 Higher risk of suffering from poor health Higher risk of numerous illnesses, being hospitalized and depression 1,5 to 2 times higher mortality risk Less likely to participate in volunteer activities Higher percentage of no-show and non-take up Literacy is related to family income Improving literacy reduces social inequality and improves the level of independence and contact with family members Improving literacy improves self-reliance and social inclusion Health and social work
24 17% of 15-year-olds have poor reading skills and cannot understand their textbooks well 18% of nine-year-olds never or almost never read for fun outside school Children with adults with poor literacy skills are more likely to struggle with literacy themselves Children with adults with poor literacy skills are less likely to do well in school because of less support by their parents Family literacy interventions have a strong impact on children’s literacy Teachers and care takers
25 Families in which reading is valued as pleasurable is breeding ground for reading interest Parents involvement in reading has positive effect on children Low literacy is related to having fewer books in the home Children with low skilled parents are more likely to struggle with literacy themselves and less like to do well in school Family literacy interventions have a strong impact on children’s literacy Libraries
26 Poor literacy skills limit individual capabilities Poor literacy skills reduces productivity Poor literacy skills hinders innovation Extra costs due to higher absenteeism and unnecessary mistakes and reading safety instructions Number of low skilled jobs will decrease by 30% in 2020 Employers
27 Higher likelihood of being in insecure, irregular employment Higher risk of being unemployed Higher risk of being on social benefits Unemployed adults tend to lose their basic skills gradually 25% of long-term unemployed people have poor literacy skills Number of low skilled jobs will decrease by 30% in 2020 Job centers
28 Session II: Action