Introduction to HTML C151 Multi-User Operating Systems
Web Server Each user of a server can create a directory under their home directory (~) and that directory will be used to hold their web pages. Examples: For CS account, the directory should be called public_html. For IUSB account (, the directory should be called html. A server also defines a default name to be given to the starting page in any directory. For CS account: index.html For IUSB account: index.html
Page Identification The default starting page in the default directory is identified by the user name in that domain. Web address of my user name in the CS domain: /home/yul/public_html/index.html File identified by that address: /home/yul/public_html/index.html Any subdirectory can be accessed by adding its name to the main address: Any other file than the one with the default name is identified by adding the relative path and the file name to the main address:
Introduction to Html HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. An html document (page) contains text and some tags specifying the format and links to images, other pages, and so on. A tag is applied to the entire text enclosed by and. Comment in HTML Any text between is considered a comment and will not appear on the screen. A document must start with the tag and end with. It is composed of a header and a body Examples of things found in the head: My web page
Simple Formatting Tags New line: The tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag. New paragraph ……….. Headings: various titles, text to be displayed in a bigger font and usually bold or italics heading 1... heading 2... etc.
Text Properties... bold: italics: centered:... Special characters: & & the & character < <the < character > >the > character
Fonts - Divisions A font tag can be used to set character properties like font, color, size …
Lists Unordered lists: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Marked with bullets Ordered lists: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Marked with numbers
Tables Delimited between the tags... Each table row is delimited by... Each table cell is delimited by... The table tag can specify some things about the table format, as
Links and Images A link is a hypertext link to another file, to a position in a page, or can also provide an address: Liguo Yu Inserting an image in the page: The image above is in the same directory as the page. It can be an image from an external location.
Recall File Permissions Owner, group, others Read, write, execute test.cpp Suppose I have a file test.cpp in my home directory. Can you copy it to your home directory? test.cpp This depends on the permission of test.cpp index.html Suppose I have a file index.html in my public_html directory. Can you see it using a web browser? This depends on the permission of file and folders
File Permissions for Web Pages Files should be readable for everyone: chmod 644 file_name Folders (include home directory) should be executable for everyone: chmod 711 folder_name