Lets Review Computers
Exactly what is a computer? A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information and data A computer sees data in 1’s and 0’s and it combines them into photographs, movies, a website and games
Hardware Hardware is any physical part of the computer (all the tangible parts) Ex) Keyboard, mouse, monitor, tower
Information Processing Cycle
Process Central Processing Unit (CPU) – The CPU processes out information and carries out the commands. It is also referred to as the “Brain” of the computer. RAM – Random Access Memory Internal storage that is temporary It is considered “short term memory” Only exists when electricity is present (the computer is on) This storage device is used to “work” on current data and programs. ROM – Read Only Memory Internal storage that is permanent – “long term” ROM is always present – even while the machine is off Contains the needed instructions to activate the computer when the machine is turned on. The ROM instructions are permanently placed on the chip and can not be removed or edited.
Output Monitor – A screen displays information such as text and numbers. The monitor is the most commonly used output device Softcopy – Visual information seen on your monitor. You cannot touch it; you can see it. Printer – gives you information from the computer in printed form. Hardcopy – The paper copy that is produced by your printer. This paper copy can be touched. Speakers – Allow you to hear voice, music, and other sounds from your computer
Storage Storage Devices – Allows you to store or retrieve information (software or data)
Common IPOS Devices Input Keyboard Mouse Scanner Output Monitor Printer Speaker Storage Hard Drive Flash Drive Floppy Disk CD / DVD
Peripherals Equipment added to the computer to enhance the functionality of the computer system. They are usually external. –Printers –Monitors –Speakers –Scanners –Digital Cameras –Any hardware connected to the outside of the computer tower could be considered peripheral Peripherals External (Outside)
Most Common Peripherals.. Monitors Keyboards Mouse
Printers Dot Matrix Least expensive Impact printer – physically strikes the paper to transfer the image – like stamping Inkjet Printer Sprays ink on the page Uses ink cartridges Print quality mimics a laser Non-impact printer – does not physically touch the paper to transfer the image Laser Printer Best quality Uses a laser beam to create the print on paper Uses toner cartridges Non-impact printer
Vocabulary Tangible – Physical equipment that can be seen and touched Input – Enter data into the computer (Receives) Process – Changes data into usable form (Processes) Output – Sends data out of the computer (Leaves) Storage – Saves for use later (Stores) Input Devices – Hardware that allows you to communicate with your computer RAM – Random Access Memory - Internal storage that is temporary ROM – Read Only Memory - Internal storage that is permanent – “long term”
Vocabulary Output Devices – Hardware that allows your computer to communicate with you. Softcopy – Visual information seen on your monitor. You cannot touch it; you can see it. Hardcopy – The paper copy that is produced by your printer. This paper copy can be touched. Storage Devices – Allows you to store or retrieve information (software or data) Peripherals - Equipment added to the computer to enhance the functionality of the computer system. They are usually external.