Lunes, el 16 de septiembre 2013
Una colección de estados diferentes Montañas, desiertos, tropical Muchas culturas diferentes Controlado por España hasta 1821 Religión oficial: catolicismo
Se llamaron “España Nueva” (New Spain) Muchos de los nativos murieron (died) debajo de (under) la corona española. When the spaniards came to Mexico in 1511, there were 20 million natives in the region. Just 100 years later, there were only 1 million left.
Define the words Nationality, and Ethnicity. Define the word Identity. During the colonial era, the mexicans had many different identities as well.
Gachupines- Spaniards born in Spain; the ruling class of New Spain. Criollos- Spaniards born in New Spain Mestizos- People of mixed ethnicity, typically native and Spanish; the majority of the population; Almost all méxicanos today are mestizos. Indios- People ethnically native to Mexico; the lowest class at this time.
Things the mexicanos didn´t like: Class system No freedom of speech No representation (king and nobles ruled everything) Sound familiar???
El 16 de septiembre de 1821 Father Hidalgo had had enough. Rang the campana (church bell) of Dolores, Guanajuato to summon all the local mestizos y indios. He told them to rebel against the Spanish, and they all shouted…
Although Father Hidalgo perished at the hands of the Spaniards, his words carried the los rebeldes through eleven years of war to ultimate victory, and Independence.
Cada año, el presidente de México toca la campana, y la audiencia dice “¡Viva México!” Choose 1 of the following to answer in a 1 page essay.
Describe the importance of traditions to the Mexican people. How is their tradition of Independence similar and different from those we celebrate in the United States? Use examples from the video, reading and notes. How has the Mexican Identity changed since the colonial times? How is the change in identity similar and different from that in America? Use examples from the Reading, video, and notes.
You may watch the Spanish language broadcast of the Dia del Grito for at least 30 minutes. Do a 1 page write-up of what you saw and heard. Also list the cannel and time that you watched. Turn in this week for 20 points extra credit.
El Trí Los colores: Verde: independencia Blanco: Religión Rojo: unión La águila: The eagle standing on a cactus with a snake in it´s mouth is a rememberance of the Mexican people´s origins. VM VM