CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction CALPADS Update November 2010 BCN Meeting
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2 AGENDA CALPADS Update and Current Status English Learner Data in CALPADS
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction CALPADS STATUS UPDATE
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Data Enrollment Data now posted on DataQuest 99% of LEAs certifying, and 99% of enrollment graduation and dropout rates to be posted at the end of November
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Fall 1 is now open for certification The submission of “Fall 2”—staff assignment, course enrollment data is scheduled to begin December 6, 2010 This functionality is currently in “User Acceptance Testing” (UAT) More functionality is scheduled to be implemented throughout this fiscal year
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction Schedule Spring 1: Mar 2010 – Apr 2011 –Counts of EL, IFEP, RFEP End of Year (EOY) 1-4: Jun – Sept –EOY 1Course Completion –EOY 2: Program Participation –EOY 3: Discipline/Truancy –EOY 4: Waivers (CAHSEE) Loading of assessment data (STAR, CAHSEE, CELDT)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction – 11 CALPADS Census Day Primary Data Collection Window Cert. Deadline Correction Window Fall 1October 6 Enrollment Graduates Dropouts Immigrant Oct. 6 to Jan. 7 Jan. 8 To Feb. 4 Fall 2October 6 Courses Teachers EL Services Dec. 6 to Feb. 10 Feb. 11 To Mar. 11 SpringMarch 1 English Learner and Immigrant Counts Mar. 1 To Mar. 25 Mar. 26 To Apr. 22 End of Year Courses Grades Participants Discipline JunSepTBD
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 8 What Was Vetoed CALPADS is operating and being used by LEAs on a daily basis The Governor vetoed all support for this operating system Citing a desire to move CALPADS to an unnamed entity, the Governor vetoed a total of $6.8 million, including: –$3.9 million for California School Information Services (CSIS) to staff the Service Desk and provide assistance and training –$2.9 million for CDE for operations and continued implementation of CALPADS
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 9 What Was Vetoed The remaining funds are to provide for costs incurred through December 6, 2010 The vetoed amounts were short, or did not account for the fact that 3.5 months of the fiscal year had already occurred
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 10 Impact of Veto Come December 6, there is no funding to support LEAs in their ongoing data submissions or to submit data (Fall 1 and Fall 2) Come December 6, there is no funding to support state staff to work with IBM to design, test, and implement the remaining CALPADS functionality (loading of assessment data, submission of course completion data, etc.)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 11 CALTIDES Update Before Veto: Commencement of CALTIDES contract awaiting acceptable Fall 2 CALPADS functionality Projected contract commencement March 2011 Projected system rollout, After Veto: Governor vetoed $3.5 million for CALTIDES project Current contract jeopardized Commencement of project delayed, putting implementation well past
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 13 English Learner Data collected in CALPADS CALPADS English Learner Data are collected two different ways: 1.Student information file (Fall 1 and Spring) 1.Student’s EL Acquisition Status (EL proficiency) 2.Course section (Course enrollments – Fall 2) 1.Courses being taught that are delivering English learner services, instructional strategies 2.Language of courses delivering primary language instruction 3.EL students reported as enrolled in these courses will be counted as receiving the service/strategy 4.Teachers reported as teaching these courses would be counted as delivering the service/strategy
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 14 English Learner Data collected in CALPADS CALPADS English Learner Data Student Information File (Fall 1 and Spring) English Language Acquisition Status Code (required field) –EL –RFEP –IFEP –EO –TBD English Language Acquisition Status Start Date (required for all but EO and TBD)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 15 English Learner Data collected in CALPADS –Course Section File (Fall 2) Education Service Code –Primary Language Instruction and ELD Instruction and/or SDAIE Instruction –ELD Instruction Only –SDAIE Instruction Only –ELD Instruction and SDAIE Instruction But Not Primary Language Instruction Language of Instruction Code –The non-English language that the course is being taught in, if delivering primary language instruction.
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 16 English Learner Data collected in CALPADS –Course Section File Instructional Strategy Code –Alternative EL Program – Two-Way Immersion (Various Models) –Structured English Immersion and/or English Learner Mainstreaming –Alternative EL Program – Bilingual (Various Models) –English Learner Mainstreaming
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 17 Local EL Reports in CALPADS LEAs view EL data in the following reports in CALPADS: –Fall 1 Primary Enrollment by Subgroup (LEP counts) Dropouts and Graduates by Subgroup (LEP counts) –Fall 2 (not yet available – coming in December) English Learner Education Services – Student Count Unduplicated English Learner Education Services – Unduplicated Count of Teachers Providing EL Services English Learner – Count by Primary Language English Learner Education Services – Student List English Language Acquisition Status – Count by Primary Language English Language Acquisition Status – Census Comparison English Language Acquisition Status – Census Comparison Student List English Learner Instructional Plan – Count by Plan
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 18 CALPADS Documentation CALPADS File Specifications Code Sets CALPADS Data Guide SSID & Enrollment Procedures CALPADS Flash Documents Can be found at:
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction 19 Additional CALPADS Information Brandi Jauregui – or