International Relations Office Bente Gaalaas Rønningen Foto: colourbox
2 BOLOGNA PROCESS - European initiative (1999) -Aim: to increase mobility in Europe and to strengthen the competitiveness and attractiveness of the European higher education - European Higher Education Area - 47 participating countries - Quality assurance – easier to compare - Three-cycle system
3 WHITE PAPER ON INTERNATIONALISATION OF EDUCATION /2009 by Minister of Research and Higher Education - More focus on quality of Norwegian education - Norwegian education institutions more attractive abroad - internationalisation part of the institution's strategic development - Establish projects / programs for the development of joint degrees and study programs. - Establish projects for sharing knowledge and experience across national boundaries - Establish projects for the internationalisation of shorter professional studies. - Recalling knowledge of how both education and research can benefit from a closer cooperation. - Research on effects, best practices and issues within the internationalisation of higher education.
WHY STUDY IN NORWAY? With a wide range of high quality courses and great flexibility, Norwegian institutions prove to be an ideal study destination. From vocational subjects to postgraduate and doctorate level, there are plenty of opportunities for students to fulfil their ambitions. You will also benefit from the informal atmosphere at Norwegian universities and university colleges, where teachers are easily approachable and tuition often takes place in small groups. Most institutions also have well equipped computer facilities with free Internet access.
5 INTERNATIONALISATION AT GUC Exchange possibilities for all degree students (national requirement) Joint programmes like: Erasmus Mundus, joint degrees, double degrees, Research cooperation and teacher mobility Programmes to support internationalisation in Education International master and ph.d. Programmes Internationalisation at Home Albania Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czeck Republic Denmark Dominican Republic The Netherlands P.R of China Peru Poland Finland France Germany Great Brittain India Indonesia (Bali) Italy Kosovo Lithuania Republic of Macedonia Namibia New Zealand Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tanzania Ukraine USA Partners in:
INFO 6 Educational Programmes: Erasmus (EU) Eurasia –programme (NA) AEP –HERD (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Erasmus Mundus –CIMET (EU) Nordplus (Nordic Council) Norway – Brazil programme (SwB) Norway –China programme (NA) Norway – France programme (NA) Quota programme (MFA + MER)
7 Tuition Fee There are no tuition fees to be paid at Norwegian State Universities / University Colleges, but students from abroad must be able to provide documentation showing they have enough money to cover living expenses.
INFO 8 GUC 3000 students & 305 staff International students: 130 International environment: over 25 different nationalities representet among staff and students 6 master programmes taught in English Courses at bachelor level in English Scholarships offered to the best students
Documents required
DOCUMENTATION TO COVER LIVING EXPENCES You can transfer money to special accounts established for foreign students. GUC will send you an official statement confirming the amount transferred Use this as documentation when applying for a student visa When you come to Norway and have opened your private bank account, you can transfer the money to this account. You must document funds of approximately NOK (approx EUR or USD) for the 2013/14 academic year.
11 Required documentation for international students: Certified photocopy of your passport (The page stating your name, nationality and date of birth). Officially certified photocopies (with stamps and signature) of examination certificates/transcript of records must be enclosed to the application. Language: TOEFL or IELTS test results OR Interview Submitted certificates and documents will not be returned to applicants. The application is not valid without a signature. We do not accept applications sent by . If you get admission at Gjøvik University College, bring all your original documents for verification. All original documents must be handed in to the Admission Office within one week after arrival at Gjøvik University College
12 Submitted certificates and documents will not be returned to applicants. The application is not valid without a signature. We do not accept applications sent by . If you get admission at Gjøvik University College, bring all your original documents for verification. All original documents must be handed in to the Admission Office within one week after arrival at Gjøvik University College Required documentation for international students (cont):
13 Student visa Have you been accepted? You have to apply for a student visa through the nearest Norwegian embassy or consulate. Make sure that you enclose a certified copy of the acceptance letter from Gjøvik University College. You must not leave for Norway until you have been granted a student visa. This is a time consuming process, so do not delay applying! Get more information here:the Norwegian Directorate of Immigrationthe Norwegian Directorate of Immigration
STUDENT ACCOMODATION Apply online : (More information and links found at IRO web site) No application deadline –first come first served APPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! You can share a room or have your private room and share kitchen and bathroom with 5-10 people. Costs from 550 USD per month, included electricity and internet
HEALTH INSURANCE If the duration of your stay in Norway is more than one year you automatically become insured under the National Insurance Scheme when you register as a student at a Norwegian institution of higher education and as a resident in Norway. If the duration of your stay in Norway is between 3 and 12 months you should apply for membership of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme providing coverage with regard to health services. The form must be sent to the insurance office in the municipality in which you are staying. Students who do not become a member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme, must have a social security coverage from their home country.
SERVICES PROVIDED BY INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE Advising before arrival Welcome-Days before semester start Buddy Programme Student assistants other Chinese students Student housing/living accomodations International Student Union Student clubs
18 Application Procedure Apply to GUC admission office Apply student accomodation Application deadline March 20th 2013 Using GUC application form Make sure you have all documentations required Admission letter from GUC Apply for visa at Norwegian Consulate in Guangzhou Book flight tickets! Communication with IRO-GUC
19 CONTACT Head of International Relations Office Ms Bente Gaalaas Rønningen (institutional strategy policies and documents, agreements, administration of projects and scholarship, budget for IRO, partner contact, evaluation and reporting, marketing and recruiting, partner visits, web-information…) International Coordinator Ms Anneli Torsbakken (advising inbound/outbound exchange students, incoming degree students, erasmus coordinator, contact with partner institutions, reporting to NA, pre-approval of courses, buddy-system, introduction programme, web-information…)