Growing global interconnection
TIWS All Telefonica’s subsidiaries are single homed with TIWS as IP transit provider All of them are eyeball networks covering 100% of their national territory We aggregate MM final customers worldwide We deliver CDN services but just starting… Telefonica is a network of access networks Telefonica España Telefonica Colombia Telefonica Peru Telefonica Argentina Telefonica Brasil VIVO Telefonica O2 UK Telefonica O2 Czech R Telefonica Chile Telefonica O2 Germany
3 The new (traditional) approach Raw Materials Final Product Factory Waste Content Service Traffic Internet
4 Telefonica’s strategy to meet future requirements Direct commercial offering to big CPs On net transit vs full routing transit No middleman Tier 1 Configuration CDN Transitless network since 2012 Proprietary solution (Very) incipient commercial offering Ongoing collaboration with big CDN Providers Peering Policy Open peering policy for any carrier exchanging more than 7 Gbps willing to sign max imbalance ratio with mutual payments