Introduction Definition of key terms Body conclusion
The vision of any nation is the enhancement of economic prosperity of its people using scarce national resources and consequently various policies and strategies are adopted to fulfill such dreams. The presence of natural resources is an indication of economic wealth of a nation and it has the potential of accelerating economic development; most often this does not translate into economic prosperity in development nations like Ghana. Harnessing of these proven resource reserves in the form of menials, petroleum, timber have the potential of increasing the revenue generation stream of the nation.
Natural resources; are materials or substances that people use which come from nature, man has involvement in their existence. E.g. air, water, minerals and land. Natural resources management; refers to proper use or taking care of these resources with a particular focus on how the management affects the resources and quality of life for both present and future generation. Economic development; is a sustained increase in real per capita income of a nation over a period of time accompanied with structural changes in the economy.
Setting up more Industries in our Rural areas to create Jobs for rural folks
The economic prosperity of natural resources rich country like Ghana can be enhanced through reinvestment of resource revenues for the benefit of human development, economic innovations and infrastructure since such investment will not only open opportunities for the current but future generations. In all, efforts must be made to make sure internal natural resources and industries are complementary to each other. If the measures discussed above are effectively and efficiently Implemented, it will ensure prosperity and sustainable development.
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