1 Walsall Supporting People Safeguarding Children’s Board Sue Byard Supporting People Accountable Officer
2 What is the Supporting People (SP) Programme? The programme commenced in April 2003 Supporting People is a programme that pays for housing related support services to help people live independently in the community Support no longer linked directly to specific accommodation – more individualised programme
3 Administration of the Programme In Walsall, the programme is administered by the Council on behalf of a wider partnership that includes social care, housing, probation and health known as the Commissioning Body The Commissioning Body provides the strategic direction of the programme and where possible promote joint working through:- Commissioning Funding Contract Monitoring
4 What is Housing Related Support? Sustaining tenancies Claiming benefits and completing forms - maximising income Assistance into education, training and employment Reducing isolation & integration into communities Support accessing more appropriate accommodation Advice and support on repairs and home improvements Housing related support does not include personal or social care, statutory services or housing management.
5 Who can be helped? 21 Client groups benefit from this programme These include:- Older Persons People with mental health issues People with drugs and alcohol misuse issues Women escaping domestic violence Teenage Parents Ex-offenders and/or people at risk of offending.
6 Key Changes within the SP programme Ring fence lifted: Admin Grant April 2008 Main Grant April 2009 Will be placed within Area Based Grant (ABG) SP will contribute approx 25% of total ABG Removal of SP grant conditions
7 Area Based Grant 2009/10 for Walsall (indicative)
8 Local Area Agreement Walsall has proposed 26 targets Supporting People target (Currently KPI 2 – Number of People Achieving Independent Living – now changed to National Indicator (NI) 141) Regional scoping exercise completed with Housing Related Support services suggests that there is the potential to contribute to numerous indicators
9 Estimated Net Benefit of SP The Supporting People programme is £1.55 billion per annum which realises a net benefit of £2.77 billion This means that for every £1 spent on SP services, £1.78 in benefit is gained (The research was carried out by Capgemini and built on earlier work which had been carried out by Matrix January 2008)
10 Good News Increased funding opportunities for Housing Related Support services Holistic approach to service provision Services for additional client groups Increased partnership opportunities Increased commissioning and contract monitoring opportunities The ability to achieve tangible outcomes for the citizens of Walsall
11 Strategic Opportunities Sustainable Community Strategy Balance preventative/proactive services Links to the individual National/Regional agenda - Reducing crime - Worklessness
12 The Way Forward Representation of client groups needs through: Core Strategy Group (CSG) Commissioning Body (CB) Scoping of National Indicators sets to understand the contribution of housing related services to the identified targets within Walsall. Exploring development opportunities for Housing Related Support Services.
13 Contact Details Telephone Number: