11/9: DO NOW: 1.Grab 1 of each of the small slips of paper from the front table  2.Complete your definition and the quote interpretation for Loyalty,


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Presentation transcript:

11/9: DO NOW: 1.Grab 1 of each of the small slips of paper from the front table  2.Complete your definition and the quote interpretation for Loyalty, on pg. 81 (wait for my definition) 3.Enter into your TOC and label the pages: 11/9 pg. 40L: Loyalty Notes 11/9: pg. 41L-41R: Weekly # 12: Loyalty 11/9: pg. 40R: Formal discussion Protocol & QW

L OYALTY Demonstrating a strong commitment to people or values; staying true to your word Pg. 81 Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character Week 14

Loyalty “ You don't earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day-by-day. ” -Jeffrey Gitomer Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character

11/9: Loyalty Notes pg. 40L  Loyalty is an important trait in all types of relationships:  Marriages, Friendships, Family relationships, Dating relationships

Having loyalty means: 1.You are committed to someone or something 2.You stick up for those people or things that you are loyal to 3.You don’t change your actions or you ideas easily 4.You are faithful in relationships 5.You can be counted on because you’re dependable

11/9: Weekly Assign. #12: Loyalty Workbook pages 83-84, questions #1-3. Answers: Notebook on pg. 41L-41R. 1.Answer questions #1-3 with a 6-sentence paragraph response.

11/9: Formal Discussion Protocol pg. 40R Critical Thinking / Discussion ProtocolTime Quickwrite All students write a response to the discussion prompts. Responses go on pg. __ _____ minutes Presentation Presenter’s share their quickwrite response and their opinion; Audience listens ONLY! 1 minute Clarification Audience asks any clarifying questions they may have about the presenter’s opinion and presenters may respond. 1 minute Notes Audience takes notes on pg.____ about the presenter’s point of view; presenter waits – no discussion 1 minute Audience Commentary Audience responds to the presenter’s ideas with what they like, dislike, or agree/disagree with. Presenter listens to the audience’s comments. 1 minute Reflection Final discussion point on the topic – anyone may speak within the group, presenter responds to the audience’s comments 1 minute

11/9: Loyalty 1.Complete the loyalty ethical dilemma on p Get it stamped when you’re done

11/10: A Walk to Remember pg42L Give 3 separate examples of how loyalty is shown between Landon and Jamie. LoyaltyExampleExplanation: How does this example show loyalty? Ex. #1 Ex. #2 Ex. #3

LoyaltyExample: What did Nancy do? Quote of Evidence Quote that shows Nancy showing loyalty (+ page #) Explanation of Quote: How does the quote depict loyalty? Example #1 Example #2 Example #3 11/12: Nancy Reagan pg 42R Q1: How does Nancy Reagan demonstrate loyalty throughout her life?

11/13: Loyalty Reflection pg. 43L Answer the following questions in 1 total paragraph: 1.Describe how each other clips depicted the trait of loyalty. (1 description for each clip.) 2.Is loyalty a character trait that you struggle with? Why or why not? 3.What is one way you can practice loyalty to your friends? 4.What is one way you can practice loyalty to your family?

11/12 page ___ (continued) In groups of 3, 1 person will summarize the reading in response to the question below. Everyone will write that verbal summary down. We will stop 3 times – 3 summaries in total. Q: Explain how Nancy Reagan was a person of good character. (How she demonstrated positive character traits.)

Weekly Assign. #13: Loyalty Rubric: Total = __/20 1.Write a 3-prong thesis statement answering the following prompt: Why is loyalty an important character trait? = +4 Loyalty described = +1, reason #1, reason #2, reason #3 =+3 2. Write a body paragraph answering question #2 on page 83: A: How important is loyalty in a dating relationship? B: What do you do to demonstrate loyalty? 2 pts per sentence, MUST follow this order: (total = 16 pts) 1.Sentence 1: topic sentence with definition of loyalty +2 2.Sentences 2, 3, 4: respond and give examples for prompt A (loyalty in a relationship) with a personal example. +2 x 3 = +6 3.Sentences 5, 6, 7: respond and given examples for prompt B (demonstrating loyalty) with a personal example. +2 x 3 = +6 4.Sentence 8: conclusion sentence to end paragraph + 2

Loyalty Stations RUBRIC: pages 43L- 43R: Total = ____/14 3 pts. Station 3: Read the story and answer the questions that follow on page 43L in your notebook. Q1: = 1 pt, Evidence = 1 pt, Q2 = 1 pt. 2 pts. Station 4: Answer the questions page 43L in your notebook. Q1: answer = 1 pt Q2: answer = 1 pt 3 pts. Station 5: Write 3 poetic lines of your own poem about loyalty on page 43L in your notebook. 1 pt. per line = 3 pts. 4 pts. Station 6: Create a 4-square comic with caption about a made- up situation involving loyalty on page 43R. = (1 pt. per completed square) = 4 pts. 2 pts. Station 7: discussion questions on page 43R. Question 1 brainstorm = 1 pt. Question 3 brainstorm = 1 pt.

N ANCY R EAGAN Loyalty Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character

N ANCY R EAGAN  Nancy Reagan was married to Ronald Reagan for over 50 years.  Nancy and Ronald Reagan were incredibly committed to each other and he often wrote her love notes.  As the First Lady of both California and the United States, Nancy Reagan enjoyed her supporting role in the world of politics.  They faced many obstacles such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, an attempted assassination, and Alzheimer ’ s.  Nancy Reagan ’ s loyalty was most evident during Ronald Reagan ’ s 10 year battle with Alzheimer ’ s. Loyalty Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character

N ANCY R EAGAN “ I don ’ t ever remember once sitting down and mapping out a blueprint. It just became ‘ we ’ instead of ‘ I ’ very naturally and easily. And you live as you never have before, despite problems, separations and conflicts. I suppose you mainly have to be willing to want to give. ” Loyalty Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Duty Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character

Week 14 Overview Ethical Monday  Ethical Dilemma – Tough Choices About Marriage  Lecture – Making Marriage Last Character Movie Tuesday  Scenes & questions from A Walk to Remember Role Model Wednesday  Quiz on Chapter 14 – Nancy Reagan Basic Skill Thursday  Resume Writing  Guest Speaker or Current Events Assignment Friday  The Importance of Loyalty in Relationships Loyalty Attitude Preparation Perseverance Respect Honesty Integrity Courage Appreciation Self-Control Empathy Gratitude Tolerance Sacrifice Loyalty Responsibility Compassion Leadership Character