grinch (“ grinch ”) “Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, But the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville did NOT.”
A person or thing that dampens the spirit of others; a spoilsport. Term originally coined by Dr. Seuss in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (1957).
A person or thing that ruins the fun of others; a spoilsport.
(noun, capitalized) the specific character in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” who tries to ruin the fun of Christmas for the people of Whoville.
noun French cognate: grinch Spanish cognate: grinch
Complete the sentence: “I think a grinch would probably ____________.”
Spoiling the pleasure of others.
ruining the fun of others.
Adjective (describes a noun) French cognate: grinchy Spanish: grinchy
Say, “I think there is a grinchy _____ in this ______.”
(“ Grinch-ish-lee ”) “PoohPooh to the Whos he was grinchishly humming. They’re finding out now that no Christmas is coming!”
In a way of spoiling the pleasures of others.
In a way of ruining the fun of others.
Adverb (describes a verb) French cognate: grinchishly Spanish cognate: grinchishly
Complete this sentence: “I saw a person grinchishly ___________ (doing something that is grinchy).