Miss Smith’s Classroom Procedure Manual A thorough guide to the routines and procedures of Miss Smith’s Classroom
Introduction Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual In this classroom, we have set procedures to follow to help things run smoothly and for you to learn and achieve. You will find the procedures for the following routines in this book: Classroom Jobs Keeping Your Desk Neat Entering the Classroom Exiting the Classroom Cooperation Groups Participation Speaking to an Adult When the Intercom Comes On When Miss. Smith Steps Out Restroom Audience Lining Up Attending Assemblies Greeting Visitors In the Cafeteria End of the Day Cleaning the Classroom Sharpening a Pencil Indoor Recess
Classroom Jobs Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual Each week, students will be asked to share in the responsibility of running the classroom smoothly. Below is listed all of the jobs available, as well as a description of their duties. President Door Greater, Classroom monitor, Flag salute leader, cafeteria monitor, line leader. Vice President Classroom monitor, President Fill-in, cafeteria monitor, line leader. Property Manager Unlocks and holds door open when class is entering/leaving, turns off/on lights, daily classroom clean up check. Table Captains Collect and turn in papers from table, make sure all table members are on task. Distributors Distributes Lightning Rod., HW and other papers to go home at the end of the day, distributes all papers throughout the day. Equipment Manager Selects ball for recess, responsible for ball during breaks, sharpens pencils. Librarians Oversees book check out, cleans and straightens library and books daily. Custodians Vacuums carpet, sweeps the floor, erases the dry erase board.
Keeping Your Desk Neat Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual Below is a diagram explaining how your desk should be arranged. This same diagram is posted in the front of the classroom. Please refer to it at all times. Top Shelf of Desk Bottom Shelf of Desk * All textbooks should be located on this side of your desk. Library BookMath Book/Workbooks Homework FolderReading Book/Workbooks Pencil Box/PouchLanguage Book/Workbooks PlannerScience Book/Workbooks Data Folder
Entering the Classroom Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual In the morning Before entering the classroom you will greet Miss. Smith at the door and then begin entering the classroom quietly. When you enter the classroom please put your backpacks away, take out your daily materials, and place your homework in the turn in slots. Homework must be turned in for all subjects first thing in the morning. After all work is turned in you will fill out your planner and begin work on your seat work. Throughout the Day When you enter the room throughout the day walk to your seat quietly and begin the work on your desk. Exiting the Classroom Before leaving the classroom Miss. Smith will give you any directions needed. When the signal is given you will begin to gather your classroom materials. When it is time to leave you will line up and exit in a scholarly manner.
When working in cooperative groups: Every member of the group must understand the goal. Every member of the group has a responsibility. Every member of the group will share resources, materials, and information. Every member of the group will understand and master the assignment. Each member of the group will listen respectfully to the other members. If a member of the group has a different opinion, he/she will wait until the person is finished talking and then share. Members of the group will encourage one another whenever possible. Each member will say, "thank you" when he/she receives a reward. If a member of a group asks for a reward, no one in the class will receive one. Cooperative Groups Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual Participation Please raise your hand if you have a question or comment. You will stand and deliver to address a question. Speak in complete sentences addressing the person to whom you are speaking by his/her name. Think before you speak to allow your brain time to process new information. Please rephrase questions into statements. Thank the person who answers your question.
When Miss. Smith Is Speaking To An Adult Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual When Miss. Smith is speaking to an adult, you should remain silent, continuing to work. If you were not in the middle of doing something at the time, you should take out a silent reading book and begin reading. AT NO TIME SHOULD YOU BEGIN TALKING! There are several reasons for this: 1. It is distracting for both adults. 2.It is rude. 3.It makes it very difficult to concentrate on what is being discussed. 4.It is disrespectful and shows dishonor When The Intercom Comes On When the intercom comes on you should immediately become silent. You should continue the work you were doing so that Miss. Smith can concentrate on the message. If you were not doing an individual assignment at the time, you may read a book silently. When the message is over, instructions will immediately resume.
When Miss. Smith Steps Out Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual At times, Miss. Smith may need to step out of the room. When this happens, the Table Captains will be in charge of the classroom. They will monitor the people at their table. THERE WILL BE NO TALKING WHILE MISS.SMITH IS OUT OF THE ROOM. As a general rule, you should continue working on your assignment until Miss. Smith returns. Anyone who is not following the set rules and procedures will face specific consequences.
We will take restroom breaks as an entire class or in small groups. If you have an emergency, you may change your magnet and quietly exit the classroom. Do your business quickly. ALWAYS wash your hands before returning to class. Return to class as quickly as possible and put the magnet in its appropriate location. Restroom Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual Audience Give the speaker your undivided attention. Put all materials away unless note-taking is permitted. Please be an active listener asking appropriate questions. Speak in complete sentences and address the speaker by name. Give the speaker a celebration at the end of the presentation, and thank him/her for sharing new information with you. Lining Up When lining up, you will line up in number order in the front of the classroom. You will put your hands behind your back, voice off, and you will walk without touching others in line. You will enter silently, remain in number order and be seated. Listen attentively and participate when appropriate. Keep your hands to yourself. Remain still throughout the presentation. When the presentation is over, look at your teacher for instructions. Exit in number order. Attending Assemblies
The President will answer the door when a visitor arrives. He/she will welcome the visitor by shaking his/her hand and say, "Welcome to our Third Grade Class. My name is ____. And you are ____? How may I help you?" After meeting the visitor and determining the purpose of the visit, the President will either assist the visitor accordingly or introduce him to the rest of the class by saying, "Miss. Smith and class, this is Mr./Mrs. ______________." The class will welcome the visitor by saying, "Welcome to our clerisy. We, the intelligentsia of Tishomingo Elementary, are glad that you are here.” The President will then show the visitor to a seat. Greeting Visitors Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual Enter the cafeteria wait patiently in line. Remember to always say “Please” and “Thank you” to the cafeteria workers. You may visit quietly with your tablemates once you are seated. Move in a straight, single-file line to dispose of trash and to return trays to the kitchen area. Remain seated at all times, and raise your hand for permission to leave the table. In the Cafeteria Take out your agenda to check off completed assignments and circle homework. Gather your agenda, homework, and materials needed to complete any assignments at home. Stack your chair and make sure nothing is left out on your desk before lining up. End of the Day
Cleaning the Classroom Miss Smith’s Procedure Manual You will clean up all trash around your personal area. Please throw away your trash and return to your seat. Make sure your desk follows desk procedure. Sharpening a Pencil You will have 3 pencils in your box at all times. These pencils will be sharpened and ready for use. If a pencil breaks you will use one of your 3 sharpened pencils. At the beginning of the day you will need to sharpen all dull pencils. There will be a pencil challenge once a month, to encourage keeping up with your many pencils. Enter the classroom quietly and sit at your desk. When the duty teacher turns on the light, you may choose a game or activity and be seated somewhere in the classroom, keeping the doorway clear. At the end of recess, clean your area and return the materials to the appropriate place. Always use an inside voice. Indoor Recess