WELCOME BACK New Counselor- Patti Hewitt New teachers- Sarah Coupurt: Health Science I Erin Morse: Biomedical/ Anatomy and Physiology
CERTIFICATION TESTING RESULTS EKG: 35 out of 37 HUC: 6 out of 15 ACSM: 3 out of 41 CMAA: 1 out of 1 C N A: 60 out of EKG: 82 out of 83 HUC: 3 out of 18 ACSM: 2 out of 10 CMAA: 12 out of 18 C N A: 57 out of 68
TUTORING Night tutoring has begun Monday and Wednesday 6-8 p.m. School Cafeteria All subjects represented including credit recovery
VOLUNTEER HOURS Must have 200 hours before you graduate 100 medical hours in any medical setting does not need pre approval 100 Bright Future hours must have pre approval If you do your 100 hours of Bright Futures in a medically related setting like Hospice then you have met the Medical and the Bright Futures requirement but you still must complete 200 hours so the 100 that would be left can be done doing anything like helping a teacher, picking up trash, ect…
UPCOMING EVENTS 9/14-9/18: Homecoming Week 9/19: Homecoming Dance 9/30 & 10/1: C N A Fingerprinting 10/2: GLAM PINK DRESS UP DAY 10/10: HERricane Glam Run 5k 10/14: HOSA meeting/ Scrub Day 10/16: End of 1 st 9 weeks 10/19: PDD (No School) 10/28: Jr class “Scrubs & Coats” Ceremony 10/30- Honor Roll doughnut day 11/17- CWMP Parent Booster meeting