Be Respectful Be Mature Be Confidential (No Names) To help keep students safe, all teachers (even me) are mandatory reporters. Expectations
PLEASE FILL IN ATTENDANCE SHEET NEATLY Please write your first and last name, and if you have one, a middle initial. Put a check mark in participation box. Write your birthday using the two-digit format, ex: 08/01/04. Write the age you are today. Gender: M for Male or F for Female. Choose Ethnicity, ex: “B” for Black (see more examples on the attendance sheet.) Put a check mark in today’s date/lesson box. Thank You!
THIS IS NOT A TEST You have the opportunity to evaluate this program and my teaching. There will an evaluation on the first and last days of class. This is to make sure I am doing my job and that the lessons are the right fit for your age. First, let’s check to make sure you have permission. You must use a #2 pencil and fill in the bubbles completely. Please do NOT write your name on the evaluation. This is confidential. Teachers, including me, and parents do not see your answers. If you don’t understand a question, or feel uncomfortable answering a question, simply skip it! If you have any other questions, please raise your hand. Thank you!
TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED What are some characteristics you like in friends? What are some characteristics you should avoid when choosing friends? What are some differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships?
ESSENTIAL HUMAN NEEDS IMPORTANT VOCABULARY Security: Being in a safe environment and feeling trust for those around you. Connection: Knowing we are loved; feeling respected; enjoying time with others; sense of belonging; friendship. Purpose: Feeling that one has value, talents, and significance. You matter! Support: Having guidance and opportunities for growth. Using “put ups” and not “put downs.” Contribution: Providing services for those around you, such as doing good things for your community.
SECURITY It’s important to be in a safe environment & around people you trust. Think about those you feel safe & secure with – it’s usually parents, family, & close friends who fulfill this need. If you do not feel safe & secure, talk to a trusted adult (ex. parents, teacher, nurse). Try to avoid situations that put your safety at risk. Feeling secure/safe is a human need. If you are involved in risky behaviors (drugs, smoking, alcohol, etc.) you’re not safe & your future is at risk. Also, others should feel safe and secure around you. Discussion: What should you do if you find yourself in a place or situation that is not safe?
CONNECTION We ALL need to know that we are accepted and connected. Connection comes from having and giving respect; feeling a sense of belonging; and enjoying time spent with a person or group of people. Who do you feel connected to? True connection is not found in fake friendships or abusive relationships. If someone is pressuring you to be involved in risky behaviors, that is not a healthy connection because it is harming your security/safety.
PURPOSE We all need to continually search for our purpose in life! Everyone needs to feel that: They are significant and that their life matters. They have talents and skills. They are valuable and important. Understanding your purpose can help you form goals that may guide you towards good decisions and help steer you away from risky behaviors.
SUPPORT 1.Who or what helps you reach your goals? Give examples. 2.What are some ways that we can support and build others up? 3.What are some examples of how some people tear each other down? 4.In your own mind: do you support others? Do they support you? We need guidance and opportunities to grow and achieve our purpose. Discuss or write down:
CONTRIBUTION It’s healthy for us to contribute to the world around us. Discuss or write down: One or two good things you have done for another person or to improve the community. How did you feel after your contributions? How did they improve lives and/or the community? What are other ways we can all help others? How can we make our community a better place to live?
Essential Human Needs DefinitionsWho/what helps you? How do you help others? SecuritySafety from harm; trust in those around you. ConnectionLove; feeling respected; enjoying time with others; sense of belonging. PurposeFeeling you have value, talents, and significance. SupportHaving guidance and opportunities for personal growth. Using “put ups.” ContributionDoing good things for those around you; serving your community. Who or what meets your needs? How do you help others meet their needs? Discuss or write down:
TODAY’S TAKE AWAY Everyone needs and deserves to feel safe, accepted, respected, and supported. We can help our family, friends, and community by trying to meet their needs. This will even make us feel good, satisfying some of our own needs…it’s a win-win! Make the world a better place and treat others the way you want to be treated.
QUESTION BALL REVIEW! TOSS the ball around. If it is a bad throw, that person is out and sits down. Each student has 5 seconds to say one thing we learned today. Nothing can be repeated. Last 3 students left win. Some hints for you on the next page…
HINTS… Define a need or give an example of how it can be met: Security: Feeling safe, trust those around you. Connection: Feeling respected, accepted, friendship. Purpose: Feeling that you have value, talents, significance. Support: Build people up, help guide them, cheer them on. Contribution: Helping others, volunteering in community to make it better. Name a quality of a Good Friend. Name a characteristic of a person who is NOT a friend.