Who? Jim Bowie William B. Travis David Crockett Juan Seguin General Santa Anna
When? Battle: March 6, 1836 Siege: 12 days prior
Where? The Alamo San Antonio, Texas
Why? General Santa Anna was outraged that the Texans took San Antonio, so he marched 6,000 troops into Texas to destroy the Texas army and end the revolt against Mexico.
Why? Jim Bowie and William Travis were determined to defend the Alamo and maintain control of San Antonio.
What? Jim Bowie was sent by Sam Houston to the Alamo to assist J.C. Neill and his 100 men. William B. Travis and David Crockett each brought men, bringing the total men to about 150.
What? Santa Anna arrived on February 23, surprised to find the Texas army still at the Alamo. Santa Anna demanded a surrender, Travis responded with a cannon shot. Santa Anna answered with the red flag of no mercy.
What? For 12 days the Mexican Army fired cannons on the Alamo and in the evenings the band played music. Travis sent out letters for reinforcements, but only 32 men from Gonzales came to his rescue. The men now totaled 189.
What? At 5:00 am on the morning of March 6, 1836, over 1,800 Mexicans marched towards the Alamo. The Texans were able to hold off the Mexican army twice, but on their third attempt, the Mexicans were able to make their way into the fort.
What? At 9:00 am the battle was over, only a few Texans survived, one of which was David Crockett. These survivors were all executed. All 189 Texans died, while Mexican deaths are estimated around 600.
What? At 5:00 am on the morning of March 6, 1836, over 1,800 Mexicans marched towards the Alamo. The Texans were able to hold off the Mexican army twice, but on their third attempt, the Mexicans were able to make their way into the fort.