Engineering Design and “Activity Concept” of Professional Pedagogic in Engineering and Technology Education Victor Vzyatyshev Social Technology Center Moscow Power Engineering Institute
Part 1 Engineering Design and “Activity Concept” Part 2. The Engineering Design Centre of the MPEI: History, Experience and Development Part 3. Engineering Design and Innovative Higher Education: Methodological Aspects Part 4. Experience of Engineering Design Education at the MPEI
1.2. Engineering Design: dualism of description, multicriterion approach to the statement, resolving contradictions
Table 1 “Dualism” in engineering activity
Table 2. Comparison of quality concepts
Technical contradiction (TC) between two or more QQs is considered such a situation when any change of parameters aimed at the change of one QQ within accepted restrictions unavoidably lead to the worsening of minimum one of the rest QQs. The above named QI discloses and quantitatively describes system of technical contradictions. An engineer observes which pairs of QQs are in contradiction and where the contradiction lies - between QQs or between QQ and the restrictions assumed in the statement of the problem.
1.3. Structure of Engineering Design: subject, object, states, procedures and system of connections States of ED object and ED procedures ED procedures and ED strategies Decision making
The Structure of Engineering Design Activity (It was developed in 1986)
Part 2. The Engineering Design Centre: a History, Experience and Development 2.1. Introduction: the origin of the concept of engineering design and the aim its methodology is to serve 2.2. The Social technology for our collective activity 2.3. Engineering Design in the system of contradictions: science, art, knowledge, culture, and social needs 2.4. Engineering Design: professional methodology for the development of creative activity
Table 2.1. Different Kinds of Activity: Research and Design Activity
Part 3. Engineering Design and Innovative Higher Education: Methodological Aspects 3.1. Introduction. As Engineering Design in Russia has affected formation Innovative Higher Education 3.2. Design and management - basic technologies of innovations 3.3. ED place in the innovation process 3.4. Integration of the system of knowledge, system of skills and creative abilities into engineering Innovative activity
Scientific, Technical and Technological Process Structure
The Joint Activity of a Human in the Society
Structure of Innovative Activity
Monitoring of development of system Study of a societal opinion P1 Revealing of the contradictions in system The analyst P2 The formulation of innovative problem requiring organisation and financial support Problem conception Practice : High schools Experimental platforms Science: Centres Laboratories P3 Generation of shape of an innovation Pattern design P4 Fixing of problems of designed process Innovative diagnostics P5 A compromise choice of innovation shape in view of risks The specification of the program of actions P6 Designing of the inculcation program in a concrete situation Program - target planning P7 Formation of a loyalty mode in joint activity Establishment of environment of competent dialogue P8 Development of the program for motivation and stimulation of activity The coordination of actions, expectations and motivation P9 Monitoring of realisation of innovations Supervision Study of a societal opinion P10 An estimation of consequences of activity Analytical criticism P11 Correction of program actions Perfection, reengineering Monitoring of develop-ment of the system
Monitoring of development of system Study of a societal opinion P1 Revealing of the contradictions in system The analyst P2 The formulation of innovative problem requiring organisation and financial support Problem conception Practice : High schools Experimental platforms Science: Centres Laboratories P3 Generation of shape of an innovation Pattern design P4 Fixing of problems of designed process Innovative diagnostics P5 A compromise choice of innovation shape in view of risks The specification of the program of actions P6 Designing of the inculcation program in a concrete situation Program - target planning P7 Formation of a loyalty mode in joint activity Establishment of environment of competent dialogue P8 Development of the program for motivation and stimulation of activity The coordination of actions, expectations and motivation P9 Monitoring of realisation of innovations Supervision Study of a societal opinion P10 An estimation of consequences of activity Analytical criticism P11 Correction of program actions Perfection, reengineering Monitoring of develop-ment of the system
Conclusion C1. Engineering Design and Innovative Higher Education C2. Prospects and development trends of engineering training professional pedagogies C3. ED, IE and innovative activity C4. Experimental results