First Grade Parent Orientation Thursday, September 12, PM
Teacher Partners Gavigan & Ghedi O’Neill & Pham Clampitt & Poole
Schedules n Your child will see two classroom teachers each day. After lunch, we will switch classes between our two teachers. n Your child will have a math / science block and a reading / writing block.
Specials n 4 day specials rotation schedule n Your child will have PE, art, and music in the 4 day rotation.
Planner / Binder n Homework will be written in the planner daily. n Parents are asked to initial the planner the first nine weeks. n The binder must be brought back to school daily. n Homework will be in the inserted pockets of the binder each week.
Behavior Folder n The orange behavior folder is kept in the binder. n The STOP BOX is used after 3 warnings. n A check will be marked if behavior continues. n Please initial beside each check received daily.
Detention Lab n Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 to 4:30 n 3 checks in one day = detention n 5 checks in one week = detention n Please sign and return detention forms. n Teachers reserve the right to give additional detentions for severe behaviors occurred at school.
Social Studies n Math/Science teachers will teach Social studies. n Social Studies is 5 days a week for 30 minutes. n Students will be graded in Social Studies based on a S, N, or U.
Junior Achievement n Friday, September 20th n Students will learn about family and how we use math and reading in the real world. n Parent volunteers will lead us in Junior Achievement.
Handwriting n Zaner - Bloser n Students are expected to write in correct formation neatly on the line. n Students are expected to write legibly. n Students will receive a grade for handwriting.
Readers Workshop n 45 minutes to an hour n Begins with a mini-lesson that teaches a reading skill or strategy n Independent reading time in Book Nooks with own Just Right books n Teacher meets with small groups n Conferences n Rubric grades
Fountas and Pinnell n Every child will be assessed on their reading levels. n Students must pass the accuracy and comprehension sections of the assessment in order to be on that independent level. n Scores will be discussed during Parent Teacher conferences
Science / Science Labs n We will have Science 5 days a week for 30 minutes. n We will visit the Science lab for experiments. n Students will receive a grade of S, N, or U in science. n Students will receive a participation grade for Science Labs.
Exemplars n Exemplars is a math problem solving program. n We will have Exemplar problems every week. n Students will be asked to record information in their Math Journals.
Math / Math Stations n 5 days a week for 60 minutes n Students will receive a numerical grade in math. n Students will receive a participation grade in math stations. n Students will complete math and science homework during the week.
Computer lab / Edmodo n Students will visit the Computer lab once a week. n Students will complete activities and visit websites in the computer lab. n We will vary our activities between reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. n Students will be expected to navigate the folders independently on the computer.
Challenge Screenings n Our Challenge teacher is Mrs. Virginia Schreiner – Neville n First Grade challenge days are Mondays. n Students are expected to complete assignments that are missed that day. n Challenge screenings occur later in the school year for new first grade students.
Rubrics n Students will receive grades using a rubric in reading, writing, math and science. n Please review the rubrics with your child so they understand the expectations during workshops, stations, and labs.
Writer’s Workshop n 5 days a week n 45 minutes to an hour n Students are expected to write independently during that time. n Students will receive a rubric grade and a Unit grade in Writer’s Workshop.
Grades n Students will receive grades in math, science, reading, writing, and social studies. n Students with grades below 70, will receive a progress report half way through the grading period. n Grades can be viewed online in the Home Access Center (HAC).
Report Cards n Report cards are sent home the following week after the end of each grading period. n Teachers will contact the parent when grades are below 70. n Report Cards need to be signed and returned each grading period with the envelope.
I-Station n All children will be given a Beginning of the year I-station assessment, middle of the year, and end of the year. n Students with scores in the TIER 2 or 3 range will receive additional I-station time in the morning 4 times a week. n I-Station is a computer program that assess students in reading skills.
Word Study n Students will practice creating words from different word families. n Word study is the replacement to Spelling. n Students will receive grades in word study. n The Green Word Study booklet must be kept in the binder.
Homework n Goes home MONDAY and is due THURSDAY n For each day that homework is late, 10 points will be taken off. n Homework sheets will be graded. n Please allow your child to complete their homework independently.
Change of Transportation n All changes in transportation must be written, typed, signed and dated. n We can NOT receive changes of transportation via or phone call. n Students without a change of transportation note will be sent home the regular way. n No changes of transportation after 3:15pm.
Peanut Free Rooms n All classrooms are Peanut Free! n No peanut products for birthday treats, or parties. n In the cafeteria we have PEANUT free tables for students. n You are allowed to bring peanut products at lunch but we ask that they do not sit at the Peanut free side of the table.
Weebly News n Every week we will send home an with the latest Weebly First Grade News. n Please make sure your teacher has a valid address. n We will use as a primary form of contact with parents.
GAVIGAN/ GHEDI – GAVIGAN’S ROOM 402 O’NEILL / PHAM – O’NEILL’S ROOM 414 CLAMPITT/ POOLE – POOLE’S ROOM 416 Thank you for coming tonight. We will now move to our Partner classrooms to discuss classroom procedures.