Welcome to Parent Academy!
S CHEDULE 7:45-8:00 Morning Work 8:00-8:30 Reading 8:30-9:00 P.E. 9:00-10:00 Continue Reading 10:00-11:30 Math with Ms. J. 11:30-11:55 Lunch 11:55-12:55 Language/Specials (Specials: M-Computer; T-Art; F-Music) 12:55-1:10 Recess 1:10-1:50 Science 1:50-2:20 Social Studies 2:20-2:33 Read Aloud
W HAT IS MY CHILD DOING IN R EADING ? First 30 minutes: Whole Group Lesson on Vocabulary, Fluency, Phonics, Comprehension Next 40 minutes: Small Groups; The days your child does not meet for small group, he/she will have independent time or visit the library. Last 20 minutes: Extra Small Group for any skills that need addressing; All others will have independent time to work on GIST booklets.
W HAT DOES MY CHILD DO DURING INDEPENDENT TIME ? Vocabulary Notebook Reading Journal Gist Booklet
W HAT ABOUT A.R.? It is NOT part of the grade, but incentives are offered for those that choose to participate. AR Star: 10 points AR Super Star: 20 points AR Mega Star: 30 points
H OW IS R EADING GRADED ? Reading is graded using a rubric consisting of three areas: Comprehension Strategies, Comprehension Skills, and Vocabulary. You will not find grades such as 94, 78, etc… You will find 3 out of 5, 23 out of 25, etc… I am looking to see if your child demonstrates understanding in these three areas. The report card will consist of Skill Marks: S—Satisfactory P—Progressing N—Needs Improvement
L ANGUAGE ? Language is divided into three sections: word study, grammar and writing workshop. The first are spent in a grammar mini- lesson. The remaining time is spent in writing workshop where writing is modeled and practiced. Traditional grades will be given for both word study and grammar. Writing will be graded using a skill marks.
W ORD S TUDY /S PELLING Word Study or Spelling will look different this year. Each week you should expect a list of eight words that follow a pattern. This pattern will be taught during the phonics portion of Reading. The test will consist of these eight words and also two additional words that follow the same pattern. Traditional grading will be used.
S OCIAL S TUDIES AND S CIENCE You can expect “traditional” grades in these two subjects. I almost always send home a study guide/ notes at least two days prior to testing. There is also MUCH review in class. I will gradually release this responsibility to the students over the course of the year.
W HAT ARE AGENDAS BEING USED FOR ? Agenda: Students should copy assignments from the board daily. Each student’s conduct chart is stapled inside the front cover of their agenda. Please ask to see this every day. Friday Folders: Please sign/initial student papers and return. See the class newsletter for tests, due dates, announcements, and other important information.
C HECK OUT MY BLOG ! It can also be found from the school’s homepage.
W HAT DO I NEED FROM YOU AS A PARENT FOR YOUR CHILD TO BE SUCCESSFUL ? Be consistent in expectations, and expect GREAT things from your child. Have a routine and keep it as much as possible. Have your child read every day. Stress responsibility! Ask your child what is going on at school….and don’t accept “nothing” as an answer!